I jump as the door opens and Delma walks in. thank God I'm not feeling through her dresses; I'm sorting my stuff out of my case on the bed. "Walt darling, I've got to pop out and get some things. I may be seeing someone too." She's wearing a smart green coat and a wide hat. I wish I'm going with her. "I'll be at least an hour, shouldn't be more than an hour and a half. Take a look around. Help yourself from the fridge if you're hungry, won't you. Bye honey." She's gone. I throw things out of the case onto the bed, listening to check that she's doing what she says and going all the way out. This place is so quiet, you can't hear doors or anything. I've already decided what I'm going to do, and my heart is hammering inside my ribs. What a chance to play with some of her things. Her panties and suspenders! I wrestle my stuff onto hangers and plant pairs of shoes under them on the floor of the closet. Ohhh, her high heels. I pick up a shoe, still listening but there's no sound. It's flesh pink, in soft leather, with a heel as long as a dagger and clever twists of coloured leather across the toe. I put it to my face, with nose and mouth inside it, and breathe her fragrance. A fog of female sensation falls over me from head to toe, as if I'm under some kind of control by her things. I empty shoes and boxers out of my case and carry them to her dresser, where the panty drawer at the top lies open. I'll use this space, with frills and lace forming a sort of female cliff-face seven or eight panties high. I lower my stuff in, careful in case I defile the preciousness of her undies. I don't want to disturb them or make them untidy for her. In any case, if I want to examine her 'smalls', there are these on top which she has thoughtfully taken out for me. But if I pick the top one off, I'd never be able to fold it back the same way. Delma would see at once that I'd been panty fondling, and that would give her the wrong idea. She'd be mad. I would have totally messed up on my first day, and she'd most likely pitch me out of her fantastic apartment. Then the idea hits me. It's the panties in the drawer that I can take out to have a look at. I'm only dumping my own stuff in there aren't I? and none too carefully, as guys do. Sure I can rearrange her pretty panties just by putting stuff alongside. That means I can take them out and get away with it. My plan for the next hour is taking shape. I don't bother changing. I'll most likely take a shower before Delma gets back anyway. I creep to the door and open it, standing with my ear to the space. Not a sound. I get the certain feeling I'm alone in her place. I'm a naughty boy who's been put on his trust, but yeah, I am basically naughty. I'm feeling it won't be long before I do something shocking. I walk down the hall on thick carpets to take a quick look round. Wow, what a sitting room: jade green with cream carpet, African pieces on the walls, and settee and armchairs big enough for giants. This is the kitchen, white tiles and stainless steel everything else. The bathroom, smelling of fresh fragrances: shower and bath, and ohhhhhh! a small drying rack over the bath with - with her cream silk panties hanging. I can't help touching, to test if they're dry. No, they're still damp. I leave the door closed like I found it, and look for her own bedroom. Ohhhh, this is it. A paradise of female elegance. Her cream negligee hangs on the front of the closet, pretty in lace around the shoulders and chest, then a frill across her bust, falling away in folds down to the filly lace round the hem. I've got to open the closet, to see her precious treasures inside. The door slides, like in my room. Ohhhh!!!!!!. These dresses are more silky - more like business stuff and Sunday best. I feel the sleeve of a dark blue costume jacket and hold it to my nose. I want to play with it, see the skirt as well, but it would be too messy taking it out and getting it back in exactly the same position to avoid all suspicion. Naughty feelings flood over me again. If she finds me here I'd have a lot of explaining to do, even though I know she won't be back for an hour. But I want to kiss her stuff. More than I've ever wanted to kiss a chick back in stateside. I put my hand under the skirt and reach up inside, sliding deliciously up the cold, satin lining - and I pretend I'm feeling the tops of her legs, feeling my fingertips into the cleft of her panties. Her panties! I look round and there's the dresser, which must be the home of her panties and lingerie. I close the closet and creep across to her chest of drawers. Why am I creeping? Idiot! I hoped for panties in these drawers, but I never dreamt I'd find such sexy little beauties: I rest my fingertips on smooth silky nylon the colour of cappuccino, and it's like getting an electric shock. How could the touch of panties be so delicious. The nylon has lacework in it, to make her legs look even more sexy than they are, with elastic. I use the fingers of both hands to open the leg of her panties. Ohhhhhh, that's something else! How can the pull of panty elastic be so out of this world? I slide the drawer shut and open a lower one: corsets - or basques. Stocking garters. What a woman! I close the drawer and stand up. I don't want to lose time messing with these. If I'm running the risk of her coming back in, I don't want her to find me in her room, seeing how I've got all those beauties in the room I'm supposed to be in. Back in my own room I leave the door ajar. I listen at it: yeah, if she comes back in I'll hear her coming. My cock is aching in my shorts. Why am I so excited about her panties and one or two of her dresses? I'm acting like a pervert on heat. I slide the wardrobe door open, all the way, until it reveals the beginning of her blouses hanging with long satin sleeves one after the other. They smell even more exquisite than her dresses and I snatch up a sleeve of white silky material to hold it to my nose. I breathe in its heavenly scent, and the material is crispy smooth, making me wipe it over my face. I sniff its fragrance again, and it makes me kiss it and kiss it. I lower the sleeve to take a better look at the whole blouse - then I reach up and unhook its hanger. I have one of Delma Pensforth's blouses hanging from my hand, its frills and silkiness spread out in front of me. I swear my cock is stiffening, and it stiffens more as the idea fills my head that I could put it on. I could take my polo shirt off and put her blouse on in its place. I feel like a million dollars, and I find myself laying the blouse out on the bed. I can't stop myself. Now that the idea's come to me, I'm not going to let anything stop me. But first I want to see her panties, in the drawer next to my stuff. I get my sneakers off ready, and my socks. The carpet is as soft as feather down as I pad across to the dresser and slide open the drawer of panties. My eyes drink in the beauty of the moment: feminine sweetness, Delma's panties that clasp round Delma's ass and hips and pussy hole. I'll bet she's got soft, almost blond hair round it, and these panties have been stroking and caressing it for weeks, months. The top pair next to my stuff is oyster pink, in soft silk that only women could wear. The legs have an inch-wide frill of neatly pleated see-thru film in the same pink. I lift it preciously in my fingers, clear of the drawer, lay it on the polished white top of the dresser and open it out into a full shape. It's not like a bikini brief - it's much fuller than that - and the panty has an embroidered picture of flower where her pussy goes. I look at the next pair of her panties. This one is more shiny and looks like there's a lot more to it, in a darker pink like salmon. I pick it up and get a fright as something drops out of it. Ribbons hang from it, and my heart calms down as I realise it has suspenders from between the layers of frills of the panty. "Satin," I breathe to myself as I lay it out over the first. It covers it completely, with more to spare: three layers of bright pink satin, with delicate suspender straps dangling from each leg, one at the front and another round towards the back. It's so attractive, so feminine, I decide I have to wear it before she gets back. If she has suspenders, she must have stockings too. I open the second drawer down, filled with slips, and feed my hand under the lace and silky material. I lift one stack after another, right to the far end, but no. no stockings, no hose of any kind. I stoop down to the drawer that had corsets. No. what a drag. No stockings, but I can't afford to waste time looking, I want to be trying on. I lift the two pairs of panties and take them back to the bed. I'll put the smaller pair on first, since the bigger pair will slip on over them. My cock is aching with desires I've never felt in my life. But then I've never seen women's things like these before, and now I'm holding them. I spread out both panties next to the blouse. Everything is so feminine and glossy and pretty. I undo my polo shirt and throw it on the floor by the open closet. I'm wearing just my boxers and they're tented like with a tent pole, 'cos I'm about to put on her things. I unhook my cock and my boxers join my shorts. My fingers play with the outside edges of the pink panty. I lift it to my face and plant a kiss on the embroidered gusset. It smells so sweet and fragrant, but I'm sure I can catch a bit of her own ![]() I'm in heaven, I'm sure, as I hold the first pale pink panty open at the waist and lift my foot to pass it through the leg. Followed by the other leg. My heart is pumping like it never has done in my whole life as I draw the panty up my legs. I'm wearing a woman's panty. It starts to grip me at the top of my legs, and I'm lucky it stretches enough to spread round my ass and my cock so that the elastic reaches my waist - almost. I look for a mirror. There's one over on one wall, full length, and I pad over to it, my cock pushing into the panty gusset. As I stand there I can see and feel at the same time how feminine the panties are on me. I love it, this feeling. I love looking feminine in Delma's pink panty. I want to change into another pair and hurry back to the bed. This time it's the pair in corrugated silk, very pale pink, with frills round each leg. I unhook the panty from my cock and grasp the elastic to pull them down, then stop. Why take off her first pair. I want to carry on wearing them, and how exciting it would be to put her second pair on over the first. This time I know what feelings of ecstasy to expect as I step into the legs. The touch of the cuff frills on each leg bring a wave of pleasure to my cock. I draw them up so that they are on my knees, and I waddle back to the mirror to watch as I slide them over my first panty, higher, and I am in pure heaven, wearing two pairs of cousin Delma's panties. My hand plucks at the stem of my cock inside its silk and nylon prison. Yes, it's like she has got me under her control, because she's got me in her panties. I hurry back, knowing that I'll be wearing all four of her panties any minute now, feeling more and more ecstatic with each pair. The silk is pulling on the end of my cock, thrilling it with pleasure. I lift the bloomered pair and see a label in the back of the waist: Saint Raphael for Miss Selfridge. It's all so delicate, but this pair are heavier, more serious. I carry them to the mirror, and my cock is pointing straight out and straight up inside her panties. "Delma gal, if you could see me now," I say out loud, "my cock pushing its loving into your pussy panties!" The bloomer satin is like pink liquid as it slides coldly up my legs. They fit nicely over the others, hiding the frills, but I don't want that. I want to see Delma's panty frills peeping at the tops of my legs, so I lift a gathered satin cuff, find the frill underneath, and pull it through all the way round. I do the same with the other leg, so that I look pretty and feminine as I see myself in the mirror. "Ooohhhh, that's pretty!" I say, plucking at the shape of the bloomer panty. "Another pair of panties, that's what my cock wants." ***