I Keep Wetting My Pants    by Prim

It was while they were walking back along Frillington Crescent that Petal and his Governess met two young women coming the other way. They obviously wanted to speak to them.
"Excuse me, why are you dressed in blouses when you're a boy?" asked one of them.
Petal Tomkins nearly dropped. Why did they have to pick on his ridiculous costume? Why didn't they just have pity on him and walk on by?"
Miss Maddison turned a strict look on him. "Well, Petal? Be polite and answer the young lady's question."
A hundred thoughts crowded his head. He could say his own clothes had been stolen and he had to wear three blouses and a panty in the meantime? Or maybe he could pretend he was practising for a play at the youth theatre? But Miss Maddison decided it.
"Petal my boy, tell the girls why you are wearing blouses and pretty pants, now!"
It was partly her harsh voice and partly because of the real reason he was about to confess, but either way he couldn't restrain his tears. "I - I can't - Ohhh I can't hold in my wee-wees," he admitted. I wet my boysie pants and stepmummy is angry with me. She says if I - if I persist in acting like a soppy little girl, she will have to dress me like one, so I have to wear a sanitary pad - and nylon panties - and silk bloomers to match my blouses - oh boo - hoo - hoooooo!"
The girls looked taken aback. The poor dear, they thought. "We can see that you want a wee-wees now, Petal," they said.
"I think he does, girls," confirmed Miss Maddison. "Perhaps you could help me unbutton his bloomers from his blouses, and we'll take down his panties for him to do a wee-wees here in the Crescent."