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![]() The plan she and her sister had devised, to punish their nephew by deepening his desires for ladies' and girls' wear, seemed to be working a treat. They were particularly keen to sharpen the anguish he would feel from being shamed and humiliated while he was in feminine dress. She undid the face gag that held his pacifier inside his mouth. "You may express your gratitude to your aunts and Miss Williams for treating you in the most appropriate way after your flagrant perverted behaviour. Start by thanking us for our kindness in letting you wear a selection of garments from the boutique," she said, as the ladies undressed him down to his padded bra, his garter belt and his nylons. "After all, we could have laid you across our knees and spanked the last ounce of repentance from these bare buttocks." Johnny could barely speak, he was so ashamed at letting Miss Williams, the principal of the girls' school, see him disgracing himself in his blouse and skirt like that. "I-I'm so sorry, Aunt Myrna, I'm so sorry, Aunt Barbara, and I am especially sorry for being so naughty in front of you, Miss Williams. I... I feel so ashamed... so dreadfully weak and perverted. I don't know why I feel so embarrassed in front of you, but... I was feeling so strange when you all dressed me in girlie things, ladies. So different. So filled with pleasure and lovely graceful feelings in my body and... especially here... at the top of my legs." His hands came together in a double fan of protective covering over his half stiffened penis and his groin, as waves of regret and horror at his own disgrace swept over him under the stern looks of his Aunts. Miss Williams was cross too, but a smirk of triumph lurked beneath the pursing of her shiny scarlet lips. "It's interesting," remarked Aunt Myrna to Miss Williams as she laid out several silk petticoats, "how aroused he gets when put into a blouse or skirt, especially when it is crisp or silky, with full sleeves or with a satin skirt lining. I've noticed a sort of fetish interest in him for pretty buttons too." She dropped one waist slip after another over his head and down to his waist where Miss Williams fastened each of them at the back. "We are going to dress and re-dress you, my boy, as a method of teaching you how to build up strength against this growing addiction. It is our duty to cure you of your filthy habit as soon as possible, starting right now." "Y-Yes, Aunt Myrna... th-thank you," whispered Johnny as Aunt Barbara presented his next blouse to his arms... a pure silk sky-blue blouse with white satin facings, richly feminine in its crispness, its slippery feel and its delicious boutique fragrance. "My goodness!" declared Miss Williams, "his penis is erecting immediately! Anyone would think the blouse was changing his sex." Johnny cringed with shame as the knob of his stiffened penis parted the front of his blouse and pushed itself into view. "I'm so sorry, Aunt Barbara. It's... It's when you button down the front of my blouse, closing the lovely blouse around my breasts and my waist. Ohhhh, and when you fasten the buttons at my wrists too. Ohhh! Oooohhhhh!" His blue cuffs were double faced with white satin, which had to be opened out, so that his hands were encased in slithers of satin, for the buttons to be fastened along his wrists, before being folded back again in winged cuffs of white. The collar of the blouse was stiffened in a double layer of satin, and fluttered slightly on either side of his face. Johnny was enveloped in its feminine power. His throat struggled with a swallow of anguish as Aunt Myrna held a pair of her panties in pale peach silk crepe near the floor for him to step his stockinged feet into the elastic cuffs. Miss Williams saw the increase in his misery. "I thought so," she said, with a sneer in her voice. "The rascal couldn't wait to wear a pair of your panties Myrna, especially a pair as pretty and as precious as those. I suggest you put him into more than one pair, to add to his confusion, Myrna." Johnny's aunt drew the soft panties up his legs, bringing whimpers of helpless emotion from her nephew. "I'll do better than that, Fenella. When we have finished adding to his misery in my blouses and skirts, I will lead the wretch to my lingerie press and open the drawers one by one, so that we can watch his lustful mind lose itself in my panties as his perverted desires overwhelm him." "Oh no, Aunt Myrna. Please don't make fun of me when I'm wearing your panties." Johnny gave a gasp as she lifted the panty waist over his erection and gently smoothed the silk round him. "I know I'm a bad boy for playing with Aunt Barbara's dresses and blouses, but I want to be good. I'm trying to do better. It's just that... I feel so sweet as I look down my blouse... and see silky breasts and... and beautiful panties over my... my popsy. I'm going to try my best to be a boy, with a boy's normal desires, and..." "Here," barked Aunt Barbara from behind his back, "maybe this will stop your silly prattling and give us all a rest from your whining, miserable excuses." She wrapped his mouth twice round inside a scarf of white silk, and Aunt Myrna applied an elastic bandage over it, feeding it over his hair and down his ears, so that his face was gagged from the eyes down. All he could do was weep bitter tears of helplessness and say nothing as he was dressed in a wide skirt of crackling taffeta. Miss Williams held him upright while Aunt Barbara put a pair of her high heeled shoes on his feet, and he had to stand in front of the women feeling extremely feminine and very foolish. As he was told to walk carefully up and down showing his feminine appearance, the loud whispering of his skirt and blouse excited the ladies into shivers of ecstasy in their humiliation of the boy. "I love seeing the way he can't help but hold his wrists and hands in such a feminine way," cried Aunt Barbara. "And his steps," replied Aunt Myrna. "I know it's his feminine blouse and skirt which are creating the frou-frou, but you can almost hear the slither of one stocking against the other, he is mincing so preciously." Miss Williams grinned with satisfaction too. "What I would like to see on him," she said to Myrna, are some of your styles for younger females. Some outfits which he might wear at school while being made to entertain my senior girls," and Aunt Barbara agreed. Without losing any time, the ladies undressed their captive and brought him down into the salon again to choose something sweet and girlish to try on him. Miss Williams was delighted with a precious pink satin girls' blouse, which Aunt Myrna teamed with a lovely wide skirt for a ten-year-old, with a high waist in lilac silk georgette. It fastened down the back from waist to hem in two rows of pearled white buttons. Johnny was ordered to parade slowly in front of the mirrors, and the shining and rustling silks caused him the acute pain of realising that he was now extremely feminine. The women were delighted to see a flood of silent tears as he looked at himself and felt waves of girlishness sweeping over him. It was the sight of his distress that prompted an inspiration in Aunt Barbara. "I have just the thing for him," she said, taking him by the hand and leading him upstairs again ahead of the ladies. "What will bring his girlishness home to him more than anything will be a long drink of humiliation juice, which I will feed to him through a baby bottle, because I know how much you want to see him in a little baby outfit, Fenella." The excitement of the women as they hurried their victim up the stairs was in sharp contrast to the horror that filled his breast beneath his girls' blouse. The wretched boy would be undressed again, and this time, his dressing would be a whole lot more embarrassing than anything he had suffered until now. .....