![]() School Principal Miss Williams was eager to speak to him as well. "I like my students to learn all about male perversions so as soon as I can arrange for you to attend Bellemain Academy for Girls, my boy, I will be arranging for groups of senior girls to encase you in girls' panties and fondle you in exactly the same way. It will serve you right for your shameless inclination towards female lingerie." Johnny wanted to beg her not to let any girls see him in ladies' panties, still less in little girls' dresses, but his mouth remained gagged and his arms and legs were so effeminate and weak as his aunts undid his bonds that he could do nothing to resist as the ladies picked him from the drawer and carried him to the bed where they laid him flat and undressed him. "Oh for goodness' sake!" cried Aunt Myrna as she removed the four pairs of her panties that she had dressed him in, "the little insect has squirted so much while we had him buried in my panties that his bloomers are filled with his jism!" The squidgy state of the gusset satin between the legs of three of the four pairs of panties told the tale of how adorable the boy had found the fragrant contents of his Aunt's panty drawer. A cloud of humiliation darkened his already miserable spirits. If only his mouth was free to express his shame and to apologise. Mercifully, Aunt Barbara undid the back of his gagging scarf, which was soaked with his tears and the helpless drooling of his repeated orgasms. "Aunt Myrna, I am so sorry. I wish I could have controlled my penis but... I was feeling so excited about the silk and satin ladies' panties all around me... so madly thrilled by them... so wild! I just wanted to show them how delicious they were for me, and before I could stop my feelings, my ejaculate thrust its way into my private parts and... and... Ohhh, I feel so ashamed of myself." His aunt stood with the sticky panties hanging from one hand while her other hand was planted on her hip. "So you feel ashamed, do you? You haven't even begun to feel ashamed, my disgusting little boy. You are about to be taken down to the boutique, and shamed publicly in front of lady clients. And for that, you must be dressed in preparation." Johnny blubbered more apologies, hoping to head off the planned shaming his aunts had in mind for him, but after he had been stripped down to his bra, garterbelt and stockings, Aunt Myrna put him into a white blouse, a narrow green skirt, a baby bonnet in rose pink nylon and a petticoated cire nylon housecoat. Her phone rang and she answered the call as Aunt Barbara prepared a notice to pin to the pairs of semen-coated directoire knickers they had removed from him. "I have just been wearing these knickers" is stated, and he was ordered to carry the panties with the notice showing in front of him, to show to visitors. He wanted the floor to open so that he could fall through and disappear from the ordeal that lay ahead, but Aunt Myrna returned. "They're here," she said, then saw the notice Johnny had been given. "Oh good. I wanted to show Fiona my panties that our nephew had defiled, as a measure of how disgusting his perversion is, but that's perfect, Barbara. Instead of confessing, we can gag his annoying mouth and the notice will reveal his disgrace." Johnny's mouth was gagged with another pair of knickers, and he was led in procession down the stairs and once again into the fashion boutique where Fiona stood waiting... and alongside her, her daughter. The wretched boy missed four or five heartbeats when he discovered that standing in front of him was Pauline Mitcham... one of the snobby prefects from his school. He had no idea that it was this Pauline that Myrna had talked about. His misery came out in bleatings of bitter shame as his bonneted head hung low on the breast of his housecoat and his notice and panties were there for the visitors to see. "My oh my, Johnny... you are so ashamed!" cried the girl with a laugh in her voice. "But you look so sweet in your pretty housecoat... with a skirt and high heels, Johnny! And ohhh! Ha-ha-ha-haaaa, with a darling little baby bonnet all in pink! Is it a baby girl's bonnet, sweetums?" Johnny wanted to turn and run to the furthest corner of the salon, but Mrs Mitcham barred his way and helped Aunt Myrna to hold him in place and turn him back to face the eighteen-year-old girl. All he could do was blush an ever deeper shade of maroon and bow his head under the laughter of the girl he had known for years at school. "Oh I do hope we are going to see Johnny wearing some different feminine attire," she said, her excitement growing by the minute. "I could watch him being dressed for ages, and laugh at him all afternoon." Aunt Barbara and Miss Williams chuckled at the hopes she expressed, and Aunt Myrna grinned with satisfaction. "I think your wishes could be answered, my dear. We are going to dress him in ladies wear that will makes him very excited, and who knows, as we progress from one pretty outfit to another, and undress the scoundrel between each change, he may have to show you his shamefully erected penis." Pauline clapped her hands with glee, and Aunt Barbara and Miss Williams arranged a set of chairs for them all to sit down in the middle of the salon, ready for a crimson faced Johnny to be dressed in feminine apparel for their delight. .....