![]() "Yes I was thinking that myself," observed the boy's Aunt. "His baby blouse is pouting so preciously, making his little skirt straps look so cute." "They will have grown as a result of the pacifier juice he has been taking in. The Clinic can greatly increase the speed of the process but the important part of his treatment this evening is that the changes will be permanent. We will see him becoming much more like a girl than he would like to be." "Aunt Myrna... Aunt Barbara... please don't take me to the blousing clinic," cried the wretched boy. "The nurses will change me... and make my body more feminine! I don't want to be bloused and bloomered!" The ladies peered into his deep bonnet to see his crimson face in tears, crying out to them in his agitation. "Oh please, Aunt Barbara. Please Aunt Myrna. Please don't make me a girl. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease don't take me to the Baby Clinic!" All the women, young Pauline included, felt surges of pleasure at his panic and despair. His physical strength had already gone and he was unable to sit up on Pauline's lap without a struggle, let alone try to undo his mittens or any of his baby girl clothing. He was already well on the way to becoming a girl and a baby, and the women watched his pathetic wriggles and peered in at him inside his bonnet as he cried and protested and wriggled and begged. But unfortunately for Johnny, his pleading drew nothing but laughs and giggles from the cruel women surrounding him. Everyone helped Pauline to undress him and get him ready for his trip to the Baby Blousing and Bloomering Clinic. When she undid the tapes at the sides of his silk crepe diaper, there was another sticky pool of naughty boy jism, suggesting that he had squirted his perverted pleasure at least twice during the time Pauline had been babying and bottle-feeding him. "What a disgusting baby girl you are!" she cried with a strict frown on her face but a wink to everyone around her. "Let me turn you over to see that naughty baby girl's bottom and give it the spanking it deserves." A quick pattering of smacks followed as the bare boy tried unsuccessfully to protect his bottom or to slide his legs out of the way, but everyone held him in place for Pauline to give him a nice red glow on both his soft feminine buttocks. Then he was dressed in a garter belt and sheer stockings so that he could be put into high heeled shoes for his visit to the clinic. "This time my baby girl's private little bits will feel ever so sweet in pretty little nylon panties!" she exclaimed, opening out the first absorbent panty in the faintest shade of mint green. She followed it with two more pairs of panties with elastic legs and over them went a large pair of pale green nylon bloomers, a pale green petticoat slip falling to well above his knees, and a little green and white check pleated mini skirt that left his petticoat lace and several inches of his bloomer legs on view. "Oh my!" exclaimed Pauline, and everyone else felt the same thrill, as she closed the blouse around him and fitted his bare breasts through the open-bust apertures. Not only had his breasts grown, but his aureoles too had become more accentuated, with darker and slightly textured skin, while his nipples stiffened into pert little pegs under the gaze of the watching ladies. "I do believe he is shy about his breasts and nipples, Aunt Myrna!" giggled Pauline. Everyone laughed at him again, and as soon as they were ready, the little party left Myrna's boutique by car with Johnny sitting in the back seat between Pauline and Barbara, who kissed and fondled him all the way to the Clinic. In the hands of Doctor Gillian Crushing, he was mildly sedated so that he would still be able to follow what was happening to him but would find it impossible to offer the slightest resistance. His panties were exchanged for open-crotch panties and bloomers which would allow total medical access to his genitals. His scalp was fitted with an intensive mind-forming head set, wired into a mouth tube which would feed him with a hormone and sensitivity mixture. A deep silk bonnet with a wide brim enclosed him inside what would soon become his new world of dreams, while his penis and testicles were connected to the very latest design of Male to Female Gender Conditioner. Helpless though he was to prevent the start of his regendering program, poor Johnny's eyes begged his Aunts to stop, to change their minds and to allow him to return in some way towards being a boy and saving at least the last remaining parts of his male sexuality. Sadly for Johnny, however, his Aunts had no such intentions, and enjoyed the moment immensely as they gave Doctor Crushing their written permission to put him to sleep with an injection and begin his gender-reversal treatment. The women thrilled with pleasure as they watched him spasm and convulse with thrust after thrust of sexual arousal, while the doctor monitored his dreams on a computer screen and explained their contents to the party of spectators. "His dreams are very vivid...he's being dressed in baby dresses in front of women, in front of girls and, oh.." Here the screen showed a prolonged orgasm..."in front of laughing shoppers in a crowded mall." But according to Doctor Crushing his greatest squirts of jism were reserved for when he was "dreaming of being ridiculed and laughed at by dozens of senior schoolgirls as he was dressed in petticoats and frocks and blouses and frilly panties... and then petted and kissed by older ladies for being so weak and defenceless in his new feminine and babyish life." ..... End of Part 2: In Part 3 of Johnny's Helpless Adventures, Johnny, suitably dressed, is introduced by Miss Williams to the senior girls at her school. To ensure he is deeply humiliated his aunts condition him to need continuous feminine dressing and humiliation at the hands of females. |