It all began with an advertisement on a website called Fetish Frills, which read as follows :- Sandra, attractive 42 year old, likes submissive men with fetish for petticoat discipline. Will be strict mummy to sweet, well-behaved "Little girls". One of the many emails she received came from a successful businessman called Paul; "Dear Miss Sandra, I am in my gingham party frock and feeling very pretty. I am nearly six years old but I`m all by myself in my flat. I do wish my mummy was here to help me feel girlie. I would be awfully sweet and very obedient. Do please be my Mummy Miss Sandra! I attach a photo of myself in my pink satin dress. Yours in frillies, Susan (Paul Simpson)" An hour later Paul received this reply: "Dear Little Susan, Thank you for your application to be one of my `little girls'. It was a very grown-up message for such a little person. I did like your photograph! Is that your favourite teddy-bear you`re holding so tightly? I have lots of cuddly toys and dolls in my special nursery for my frilly sweethearts to play with. Would you like to come to my house for an interview on Saturday at 11.30 a.m.? With a hug from, Miss Sandra. P.S. You may excite yourself till then looking at my pictures and dreaming of being one of my little darlings." Enclosed with the email was a page of photos of a kindly, dark haired woman in a high-necked blouse, grey skirt and very high heels. With her on the second photo was another woman, a blonde in a flowered silk dress, and between them sat an extremely pretty 'little girl' in a primrose coloured dress with big puff sleeves and white petticoats. Next to it Miss Sandra had written, "This is me with my friend Aunty Jane and one of my prettiest little girls who was having her sixth birthday." Another photo showed a beautifully decorated nursery with masses of pink and white frills everywhere. "A specially feminine place where you can relax and enjoy your girlie feelings in private, or play nicely with other little girls, or mince about in front of Mummy showing off your lovely frilly dresses." Another photo showed a neat secluded garden with three feminised men playing on the swings in the sunshine while Mummy Sandra and Aunty Jane kept a maternal eye on them. Paul was so excited that instead of going to the office that day he spent it as Susan, pouring over the photographs. He stared and stared at the smiling face of Miss Sandra and squirmed excitedly on the bed in his silkiest panties, muttering "ooooh... pleathe be my Mummmy... pleathe be my Mummy..." until he gasped and shuddered. He had to change his sticky wet panties many times.
At last the day of his interview arrived and Paul found himself in an elegantly furnished sitting room talking to the Mummy of his dreams. He could scarcely take his eyes off her. She had a pleasant face, a small neat figure and large brown eyes and she talked to him exactly as a kindly woman talks to a small child.
Sandra crossed her legs so that her stockings swished together with a delicious hissing sound. "Those early sexual feelings are so intense aren`t they Paul? Almost overwhelming! I like to think you can recapture them here though, because we go so deeply into your secret fantasies!" She smiled warmly and patted his knee. "I think you will do very well as one of my frilly darlings dear, that is if you still want to be one?" Sandra went to a drawer and brought out a pair flimsy nylon panties. "These are your membership panties dear, you must wear them every day for at least an hour to remind yourself that you belong to me now". Over the front of the pink panties, lest he should be in any doubt, were the words, Sissy under the control of Mummy Sandra.
Half an hour later Paul emerged from the steaming bathroom wearing only his membership panties. He heard Sandra calling him from a room on the landing.
"I`m your Aunty Jane, Susan darling," she said with a smile. "I take care of the more intimate needs of Sandra`s little girls." She went right up to him, folded her negligee round his body and squeezed him tightly, pressing her lips over his and probing his mouth with her tongue.
Paul spent the next hour or so in a delicious glow of feminine feeling as the two women dressed him in the frilliest, most girlie outfit he had ever seen. Sensuous perfumes, soft swishy fabrics and gently probing hands overwhelmed him with delicate, dainty pleasures until he was floating on waves of girlishness. By the time they had put the final touches to his make up and led him over to the full length mirror he was trembling with excitement.
"I think little Susan is about to confirm his membership!" she giggled, and sure enough with a helpless groan and a flounce of his petticoats , Paul began to express his creamy girlie feelings into his panties in no uncertain terms. Jane put her arms round his waist and held him tight until his little shudders came to a stop.
Later that evening Sandra, Jane and Paul were sitting downstairs watching a video called `Fancy Frills` The women were taking turns to fuss over his dress and make him sigh with pleasure. Sandra looked at her watch and said, "Susan darling, we have a friend of ours coming over in a few minutes."
When Gertrude arrived however Paul felt a tremor of fear. She was six feet tall in the highest heels he had ever seen and a figure hugging ankle length black skirt. By a happy chance all the things little Susan needed to be babyish enough for the visitor were ready to hand, including of course several soft thick diapers and pretty plastic baby panties. Paul wanted to object to these last items but somehow he felt too weak. The three determined Women were smiling down at him and all his male strength had gone. He felt quite helpless. He lay on a rubber sheet on the floor as the Women removed his panties,
examined his erect little penis for a moment and then carefully wrapped it in the soft fluffy diaper. As Gertrude fastened it with big pins her whole body seemed to relax into maternal
tenderness and Paul gazed at her with growing adoration. Sandra and Jane, watching the little scene, were almost in tears too.
They took him out to Gertrude's car and Jane lifted the back. He felt a sudden desire to pass water and without a moment's hesitation just let it gush into his diaper. As the delicious warmth spread he kicked out his legs and goo-gooed happily at the watching Women. After they hugged and kissed goodbye Paul was on his way to a new life of frilly dresses, baby helplessness and 'overwhelming' mother love. |