Hello my darling.

You must be stunned by how long it is since I've written a Newsletter to you. And now you're shocked that I HAVE written this one. Well, it all goes to show that the Petticoat Wendyhouse seemed to slow down there for a while - but now it's buzzing again, even though our e-commerce agents can't enable us to publish copies of Prissy's Sissies or Feminized In Frillies. Not for the immediate future anyway.

Let me hold you close, pet, so that I can feel how soft and feminine you are. I know how you love to dress nicely and feel so girlish in every fibre of your body. I hope you find the photos in my Newsletter speak to your inner feelings of sweetness and femininity. I'm so grateful to these girls for sending them to me for us to share and love. In some cases I've been able to add links so that you can enjoy even more of their wonderful photos on other websites.

I have some news for you, sweetheart. First the bad news: there will be no monthly sets of Prim's pictures with their mini-stories each month for the next six months. I know that's really bad news, isn't it? I know how you like them, but don't despair. Prim will still be creating them each month, which leads me to the Good News:

The new pics will go on sale each month at Lustomic.com, where you can get them for 10.00 USD. Then after six months they will go into the Wendyhouse anyway into the new DIANA Room. You can choose not to buy if you like and simply wait six months to get each set. It means that Prim's pics will continue to go into the Wendyhouse each month, in 10's instead of in 6's, starting from 1st September.

In the meantime, and this is more good news: Prim will be adding a new set of Golden Prim to the Sophie Room each month, starting in a few days' time on March 1st. That means 12 of Prim's original pics, none of which are in the Wendyhouse up til now, fall into your lap, so to speak. There are 4 sets of Golden Prim already in the Sophie Room. Between now and September he will add another 6 sets on the first of each month.

I have some good news of my own to tell you too, honey. Now that I've been able to re-start my Newsletters, I intend to add another every three months. Won't that be nice for you? But what I want you to do for me is to send me letters to go into them so that I can reply to you. You know from my previous Newsletters the three things I most want to hear: 1 - all about your dressing and girlishness: your fave dresses or fetish-wear and how you like to enjoy being a girl. 2 - how it all started for you: those fabulous memories about your discovery of how wonderful femmy dressing is. And 3 - I want to know what you like - or dislike - about the Wendyhouse, so that we can do more of the same, or so that we find out where you want us to improve. Mind you any other cross-dressing topic will do nicely too.

So that gives you something to do, my boy. Don't sit around just enjoying the Wendyhouse: WRITE to me: auntfrocks@mail.com (Notice it's not @gmail.com) But enough of me talking at you my precious: let's see what the girls have to say, and we can relax looking at some of my girl friend's photos on the way. Sit on my knee, my darling, and we'll read my Newsletter together.

I like to start with photos of a nice girl, as you know, so what about Suzie?

She has been in my Newsletters before in her lovely dresses, and of course she is in the Rose Room. You might like to join her.

letter 1: Am I using the Wendyhouse properly? --- James

Hi Prim,

1. I'm confused, am I not already "joined"?

2. I'm pretty sure that the fee has been coming out of my account?

3. Are there features that I'm missing out on??? I love your site and that would suck if I've been missing some awesome content.

Peace & Love,



Hi Jim.

Don't be worried that things 'aren't right'. Yes, you have been subscribed all along. I just gave you easier entry codes to use because the ones you had been given were monstrous - just randomly allocated and very difficult to use unless you copy and paste.

Are you missing any parts of the Wendyhouse? There are two ways to check that you are getting everything you pay for:

1-Use the Home Page, where you will see how our site is in 2 parts: 1. the Orders, which you are not paid up for because you buy each one individually. Then 2. the Wendyhouse: the chart of 14 'rooms' shows you all the parts you should be looking into once you login to the Wendyhouse. There are so many it will keep you going for months if not years. I'm not joking.

or 2-Login into the Wendyhouse from the top of the Home Page and scroll down to the Rooms, starting with the new Diana Room. There are 15 rooms now, and all of them are full of things to enjoy. If you think you are not getting all of these, please message me back and I'll take you through one or two of them.

Speak to you again soon. Prim x

You can immediately see that Slave Jane belongs in dresses, whether she's doing her housewife chores or taking a well-earned rest.

She has to wear 'discipline' clothing, but when 'off-duty' she can dress so sweetly, don't you think?

Letter 2 --- Now that I've found the Wendyhouse --- Lisa

Dear Aunt Frocks,

I wanted to send a quick email to You to thank You for such a wonderful site that I happened upon. I so very much enjoyed reading the first few chapters of the story Dressings at Dressing Manor. It is such a wonderful story and brought such sissy tears to my panties.

From there I found Your site and within it a couple wonderful pictures of Your Wonderfulness. Thank You for sharing that upon Your site.

I will certainly be looking further into Your wonderful site but in the meantime I felt compelled to reach out to let You know how Glorious You are. Something of course You most likely are already so very aware of and have been told countless times. I just wanted to say it as well.

Thank You,

sissy lisa


Dear Sissy Lisa,

I was delighted to open your mail in which you introduce yourself to me, now that you have found the Petticoat Wendyhouse. I like reading how you feel at home with us and all our other sissies. To correct you a little bit, darling: it's 'Pleasures at Dressing Manor'. Yes, isn't it a nice story. It's in seven chapters and Prim has always regarded it as one of his favourites. Chapter One was actually in Prissy's final issue, so we will be publishing it in mid September in Prissy's-Sissies #93. The other 6 chapters are in Prim's Petticoat Pansies #1-6 (PPP#1 - PPP#6) in the Stephanie Room. Another favourite Prim story of mine is 'Married Into Petticoats', which runs from PPP#6 to PPP#12.

Warm cuddles my pet.

Your Aunt Frocks x

Here is one of our dearest friends at the Wendyhouse. Donna sends Prim so many photos, and all of them gorgeous!

It's heart-warming to see how she turns an ordinary photo into a work of art. Personally I'm in love with her exquisite jewellery.

Letter 3: IMPORTANT LETTER --- Not enough updates for the money! --- Nicole

Dear Aunt Frocks

I must say I have enjoyed being a member of the Wendyhouse for many years. The sissy stories, especially those depicting sissy-on-sissy love making and sex have helped me make lovely sissy squirts many many times.

However, I am very disappointed in the lack of new material and now it appears that even the ten hastily written (but some still very sissy squirts inducing) stories each month over the past 3 years is being reduced to only 6?

You have not even published a newsletter of any sort for nearly two years and I always got excited to read the letters from other sissies in the Ask Aunt Frocks section included in each update and that is also long gone.

I do go back and read many stories over and over again to help me make sissy cummies but the lack of effort put into the site is very disappointing and not worth the monthly fee.

I will not cancel yet until I hear back from you. I'd hate to leave but it's just not economically feasible to keep paying for so few new updates.

I hope things can change.

Your sissy friend,



Hello Nicole. First can I apologise for the long delay before I answered your letter. You put so much thought into it and I can see it is a cry from the heart. I am sure you speak for many when you regret the drop from 10 monthly pics to 6 and Prim and I understand that. On the other hand, let me explain why that had to be.

Producing 10 pics a month is just about the limit of what is possible. Yes the 'stories' have to be short - there isn't time to create longer stories. If they fail to help with 'cummies', we are sorry, but there again we understand.

Reducing the 10 to 6, although it could have been 5 a month, means that Prim and I can attack other things. I want time to produce Newsletters, at least one every three months, and Prim wants to bring everyone more issues of Feminized In Frillies. Prissy has done his part: his pictures are ready and waiting, but Prim and I must add the stories and mount them as a website issue, all of which takes time. TIME is our number one item. It governs what we can and can't do. Prim works 6 hours a day, seven days a week on the website. He rarely gets a day off. He can't do more. Added to this is the money. The Wendyhouse is our income. So if it looks as if Prim and I are always thinking about money, that's not far from the truth. We have to. But maybe I should tell you that I personally think Prim is foolish for pegging the monthly subscription rate at 12.00 dollars: if the price were to reflect the work he puts in, and me too, I think he should have increased it long ago.

I hope you don't feel that what we provide for sissies is dropping in quality? That would be awful, darling. We do our best, but sadly we can't always please all tastes. It's interesting to read your email from the point of view of reminding us of the viewpoint of some of our members about what the Wendyhouse is for, or how it should be used. Prim started the Wendyhouse because of his own experience in past years of how hard it was to find forced feminization pics and stories that suited his take on the likes and desires of submissive sissies: forced dressing, humiliation, degradation and even babyfication. There was a fair bit of it to be found, but never enough. So he decided to produce more and more and more and make it available to the cd-tg community. It's here, in the Wendyhouse, as a growing archive. Our approach has always been: you pay to be part of it, living in the Wendyhouse, and yes, you look back and keep reading and enjoying your fave parts. It was never intended that there would be 'a monthly package' to keep supplementing it. But I know that that helps to make members feel good.

The plan is, and this is letting you into a secret, to charge for those monthly 6 pics. Sissies can pay for them, or not, as they choose. Then after 6 months they will go into the Wendyhouse in the normal way. In the meantime you won't be without a monthly increase, because the Golden Prim sets will be going into the WH as the monthly increase. All this should start this month, with Golden Prim 5 going into the Wendyhouse on 1st March. Prim's ten March pics will go on sale at 10.00 USD, not necessarily in the Wendyhouse. Six months later, on 1st September, those March Primpics will go into the DIANA ROOM.

So all in all, Nicole pet, we are not sitting back, we are doing WHATEVER WE CAN to keep producing. Watch this space, because this is where Prim art and stories are. The nicest part of your email to me was where you told me that you loved sissy-sissy sex pics and stories, because that is the kind of feed-back which can guide us to please our friends. Because you, my darling, are one of our friends in the Wendyhouse. And we're doing it for you.

So there you are Sweetheart. An update from Prim and Aunt Frocks on why the Wendyhouse works the way it does. We just hope we can keep pleasing you and supplying your needs.

love and lots of kisses,

Aunt Frocks xxx

There are five new Roses in the Rose Room this month, and Melinda is one of them. She is clearly so happy to be a girl.

Every girl in the Rose Room has her own gallery. Click on this link to see Natascha from Berlin as an example:

Natascha in the Rose Room

Letter 4: I wish my wife would let me be her baby girl --- from Baby Angie

Hello, Aunt Frocks. I've written to you before and I would appreciate your advice. I'm so frustrated and I don't know who to turn to then I thought of you. You already know it's my desire to be a sissy babygirl but every time I subtly allude to it my wife laughs and blows it off. My thought is to start wetting the bed on purpose but I don't know if it would be wrong to do that.

She already knows I love panties and lets me wear them under my boy clothes and it would be so wonderful if she started treating me like a baby.

What do you think about my idea? I'd rather it be her idea but she just doesn't seem to understand what I want and I don't know what else to do.

I know you're very busy so if you could just drop me a quick line and tell me if you like my idea I would appreciate it immensely.

Very kind regards,



Hello dear Baby Angie. I'm so happy you thought of me to ask for advice on this important matter. Your personal happiness is what I want to help you with, especially where it comes to marriage security and fulfilment.

First of all it has to be said, from what you tell me, that your wife is not keen on the idea of living out your desire for her to treat you as her sissy big baby. Take a moment to step back and think about that from her viewpoint: she doesn't want to see you - her beloved partner - as a girly baby, in dresses and baby panties, wetting your diapers. As it stands, I don't think you would be well advised to ask her straight out to bend towards accepting what you want, because it's a big ask. In any sort of clash between husband and wife, you have to think of what sacrifices both partners have to make and what it will all mean for both partners. Try and think it through.

But perhaps there's a chink of light here for you at the far end of this impossible tunnel, and that chink is that you could address the 'big ask' in terms of what she wants or what she might like. She loves you, right? Well maybe your chance of 'living the dream' is to propose some role play, spaced well apart, like once a month, in which she can return to being a mother, with the chance to lavish lots of love and care on her loving baby girl. In the course of talking to her about it, describe how you would love her in your baby things, both baby affection and loving sex-play on the bed (with you more aroused than usual) while she would have ample scope for loving you, cuddling, kissing, attending to baby's bits.

I hope you can play around with my suggestion and prepare how you might open the subject with your dear wife. But remember, if at any time your sexual desires get in the way of you loving each other, take a step back and remember your loving partnership - and all the good times you've had together.

Once again, darling, thank you for asking me.

Love from Aunt Frocks xxx


Angie's reply:

Dear Aunt Frocks,

I should be the one saying thank you. Your advice is practical, reasoned and real life. I couldn't agree more with everything you said.

My wife didn't marry a sissy baby and I should bear that in mind because it's not just about me. Marriage is give and take as you well know, and it's about sacrifice.

As you also know, and one important takeaway from your kind and thoughtful letter, is it would be wrong and selfish of me to impose my fetishes on my wife and ignore her own needs and wants.

As you also know, fetishes are not real life to a degree, and if we let them get out of control they can be counterproductive and destructive. I can enjoy them without letting them destroy the life my wife and I have built together over the course of many years.

Finally, I'll take your excellent advice and approach my wife in the manner you suggested and determine if she's amenable to the idea.

There is one more thing. Thank you for having our best interests at heart, my wife's and mine. As you know, there are dangerous people in the world of D/s who don't care if they destroy lives. With that said, I'd like to commend you for your integrity and principles and I mean that most sincerely. If I could say one thing to your sissies and sissy babies it would be you are absolutely safe with Aunt Frocks.

Thank you again for taking the time from your very busy schedule to care enough about me, and my wife, to write this most helpful letter.

With much respect and kindest regards,


PS: Have you ever considered being a marriage counselor? You should.


Hi Angie.

I should tell you that I am pleased that you took my answer to your letter in such a positive way. I seem to have helped you look at things sensibly, which can only be good for your relationship with your wife. I'm also glad that you are thinking of finding the way to ask her if she would be happy with some baby role play as part of your sex-play. That's wonderful.

A marriage counsellor? well, sweetheart, a lot of gurls write to me and tell me about their hopes and dreams and worries. Over time this has given me a store of experience, I suppose. Add a helping of common sense, bear in mind that we are talking about real people and their love and feelings, and it all helps in giving advice. On the other hand every couple is different. So there's no saying my advice is right. I'm just trying to help, darling.

I wish you happiness and good luck with your loving wife.

Aunt Frocks xxx

Sissy Ipek sent me photos of herself some time ago to show me how she loves to wear nice shoes. Take a look:

I love to see girls embracing their deeply feminine apparel, as if they are auditioning for Sex In the City.

Letter 5 --- I would like personal sissy training sessions --- anon

Greetings aunt Frocks

Your sissy panty waisted wannabe here !

Wishing I could get some personal training sessions from you to make me into your total sissy faggot cock slave! Is there any way for that to happen or can you refer me to a proper female trainer who is willing to do so? Thank you so much for any and all help in this matter!

Your sissy wannabe!


Hello Sweetheart.

Giving personal training to sissies like yourself would take up a lot of my time which I need to devote to developing the Wendyhouse. This is more important than focussing on an individual sissy. But I can help you to become more of a weak, effeminate sissy - because I think that is what you want. Normally you would subscribe with 12 dollars for each month you spend in the Wendyhouse, but I'm giving you a month of free membership because you will find lots of sissy ideas in our stories. I should guide you specifically to the Miss Blouse column in the later editions of Prim's Petticoat Wendyhouse (I think it's from issues 22 to 39). You'll find them in the Molly Room and the Alice Room.

Go to www.primspetticoatwendyhouse.com/feminization.htm

Click on Login for Wendyhouse (members), then add these codes in the authorization fields.

Username: 3BONNets

Password: 6RIBBons ------- [ Aunt Frocks note:These codes are now out of date ]

You'll be a member until mid September.

Any problems, please get back to me. Feel very feminine, and enjoy.

Aunt Frocks x

Fenella Frilliknicks is another girl in the Rose Room. I like her cool, unassuming belief in her femininity, although I'll bet her lingerie is frillier than all the other girls.

Three new girls joined the Lucy Lingerie Room in February. Trixy is one of them, and you can see her photos if you click on this link:

Trixy in the Lucy Lingerie Room

Letter 6 --- Photos and links from Bridget

You people do great works for us sissies and I'm glad to support it. Here are some more photos for the wendyhouse of me.

These links show where I get my femme things: [ Note from Aunt Frocks: you may need an Instagram account to use the first link. ]

breast forms

sissy dresses (1)

sissy dresses (2)

mistress-auntie clothes

I would love to be featured in the Rose Room and Lingerie Room.

My dream is to do a hot photo shoot with Christine Bellejolais where we reenact your wonderful stories and drawings

love and kisses



Hello Bridget darling. Oh my, your photos are spectacular. I love your dresses, and your wigs, and you must spend HOURS on your make-up.

But what I really wanted to say is thank you on behalf of all our readers for your links to where you turn to for your femmy supplies. I't so lovely to see girls helping girls in this way and I will include your links in my next Newsletter. Will it be in October? I hope so.

Hugs my darling.

Aunt Frocks xxx

Some girls are born to wear stylish dresses and separates, and Rachel is one of them. I can tell she is so at home in skirts and nylons, she would be at home as a secretary in any office.

Here's a letter from Enes about fashion choices, which gives me the opportunity to give you some nice web links you might enjoy browsing - as long as you come straight back here to finish reading my Newsletter with me!

Letter 7 ----------- Do you help with sissy fashion and dressing?

Hello aunty!

I came across your site and am absolutely in love. I was wondering if you help with sissy fashion and dressing? I don't know enough about the various portions of the outfits and where to shop in order to look my best.

Hope to hear back soon,



Hello dear. I don't know what happened to your email, but it seems to have only just now appeared in my inbox. Xmas mail chaos I suppose.

I'm glad you seem to have found a nice niche which suits you in the Wendyhouse. I don't advise on dressing, sadly. Mind you, if you are inside the Wendyhouse, visit the Emma Room and open some of my Newsletters where you will find lots of girls in their delicious fashions. They might well give you some dream wishes for what you would like to wear yourself. There is also of course The Rose Room where you can browse the girls' galleries. They look fabulous. Talking of what other girls like to wear: Open Prim's issues of Prim's Petticoat Pansies - thee are 39 issues - for instance in the Alice Room and find my correspondence columns called: "Tell Aunt Frocks". There are lots more photos in them.

There are plenty of sissy fashion shops available online for buying maids' costumes, for instance, and heels, panties, lingerie and more. Take a look in Sissy Kiss at sissykiss.com, or google 'sissy dresses' and you'll be amazed. Bookmark the ones that take your fancy.

But to be honest, darling: these days you can simply shop online in any women's store. The most exclusive of stores wouldn't hesitate to send a skirt or panties to a gentleman, and all in the safest confidence. If you have an account in Pinterest you will be able to pursue some of your favourite dresses and blouses, because the site will lead you to retail outlets like SHEIN which will provide you with the dreamiest of feminine fashions.

I hope that helps, sweetheart.

Feel feminine this Xmas.

Hugs from Aunt Frocks xxx

Then there are the sissy dresses that you can't buy, because they're created by the amazing imagination of AI artists, like miss Dolly Pansybottom. She sent me these examples, which would definitely not be out of place in Prim's Petticoat Wendyhouse.

Daisy Skater likes to create them too. Mind you she has always had a craving to wear very frilly little girl dresses. Take a look here at her Flickr photostream: You may need to login first:

Daisy Jane's dresses on Flickr

Letter 8 ------ Little Miss Pansybottom asks for advice

Dear Aunt Frocks,

I am Little Miss Pansybottom, sissy to my domme, Mistress Laura. She has instructed me to write to you and confess my deepest desires.

I must confess, Aunt Frocks, that my experiences at the Wendyhouse have left me longing for more. But each visit brought more shame than pleasure, and I felt I had to leave. Now Mistress Laura has exposed me to my deepest desires and I understand there is no escape from my sissy fate. I am forever enslaved to her will.

Mistress Laura is always with me, even as I write this letter to you. She is overseeing every aspect of my life, from my diddling to my dressing and even my potty time. I am forever grateful for her powerful presence in my life and the way she makes me feel so submissive and humiliated. I crave it every moment of every day.

Mistress Laura has instructed me to be completely honest with you, Aunt Frocks. And the truth is, I can never feel as turned on as I do when I'm dressed in little girl dresses and being laughed at by dominant women. The Wendyhouse and its ladies have become my everything, and I long to be back there again.

I am reaching out to you, Aunt Frocks, because I know that you're an expert in sissy training and I want to make my Mistress proud. I am already a pathetic little sissy who loves to be humiliated and punished, but I know there is always room for improvement. Please, give my Mistress your best ideas for pushing me even further down the path of prissy sissification.

Thank you, Aunt Frocks, for taking the time to read my letter and consider my desires. I am forever grateful for your guidance and expertise in sissy training. And to you, Mistress Laura, I am an obedient and devoted sissy, forever at your disposal.


Dear Miss Pansybottom,

I must apologise for not replying to your good letter when you sent it to me. As you say, I am always busy so I parked your mail for an early reply - then somehow it got forgotten. Poor Miss Pansybottom.

I presume your Mistress gave you your name, based on the nature of your girlish body, and surely bearing in mind your wimpy desire for sissy girlishness. Yes, the Wendyhouse will suit you fine and you do not surprise me when you confess to being ashamed of your willingness to be feminized and dominated. You are a typically pathetic wimp, Miss Pansybottom, the sort who features time and again in my nephew's pictures and stories.

My advice to you would be to concentrate on the guidelines of Miss Blouse in the later issues of Prim's Petticoat Pansies. You will find them in the Molly Room and the Alice Room starting in issue #22. Of course the other advice I would give is that you must always be fully open in confessing your every sissy desire to Mistress Laura. Do not hold back. Feel ashamed the way you should. You should be a little girl dressed in sweet dresses and girlish lingerie, so that is what you will beg her for.

You may kiss the toe of my white court shoe.

Aunt Frocks x

[Miss Pansybottom again: you can read her first story: Teensy-/Weensy Must Prance, a bit lower down my Newsletter]

Dear Aunt Frocks, thank you for taking time out of your day to email this pathetic little nancy boy.

I must start by confessing that I am absolutely ecstatic to receive your emails and your advice. I am learning that I am an inferior, sexless sissy baby pansy, and I desperately crave humiliation and ridicule from superior women.

Thank you for your wise advice on never getting married. Governess agrees with you and says that sissies who desire to be dressed like effeminate parodys of little girls, and wish to be paraded around and laughed at, are weak and helpless and inferior to everyone except other prancing sissys.

I am so grateful to be able to live out my silly sissy fantasies under my Governess Laura's guidance, and I hope that you will continue to email me, because I long for your ridicule as well. I am always desperate for punishment and attention from my superiors, and my superiors are you, my Governess, and all women.

My Governess thinks it's hilarious that I get so excited when your emails arrive in my inbox. She says it is adorably pathetic how much I look forward to your scorn and guidance. I desperately await your next email Auntie, and I fantasise that you'll send me a stern lecture, or a humiliating task. I know it's what I deserve for being such a weak and dependent little creature.

My beloved Governess is forcing me down the rabbit hole of prissy sissification. She is very pleased that I am writing to you, and thanks you for your help in making me realise my utter inferiority. I am so very grateful for the opportunity to be a helpless sissy baby, and I promise to never stray from my path towards absolute dependence on superior women. To show my gratitude, I present to you my sissy story, for publication in your wonderful newsletter if you deem it good enough. As usual, like when I read the stories and diddle to the pictures in the Wendyhouse, I envision myself here as the weak and wimpy sissy male in the story. Curtseys.

Finally, here are the new girls who entered the Rose Room in February.

Aren't they exciting? Each of them is adorable in their own way, but the one thing that unites them is their femininity, as with all the other Roses in the Rose Room.

We're coming to the end of my Newsletter, my sweet, so it's time for some nice feminization stories. First comes the story from Miss Pansybottom that I promised you a few minutes ago:

Teensy-Weensy Must Prance --- by Miss Pansybottom

This next story was sent to me by Charlotte sometimes: She feels strong desires to become a darling baby girl, as you'll see.

Baby Barbie --- by Charlotte sometimes

Here's a story borrowed from Prissy's-Sissies Issue 80. Prissy is a world-class writer of sissy stories as well as such a great artist. You can order many of his past issues from the Order Page of the Petticoat Wendyhouse.

From Sissy to Baby --- by Prissy

To finish my Newsletter I've included a Prim story taken from the Wendyhouse. It's one of the 120 Prim stories in the Jennifer-Jayne Room.

Strict Blousing for Henry --- by Prim

There are lots of stories at the Petticoat Wendyhouse on the Home Page. Go there now if you are in the sissy-girl mood and click around. But of course the real store of stories is in the Wendyhouse itself. Over 1,000 of them to be exact. CLICK HERE to JOIN the Wendyhouse.   

If you want a free month inside the Wendyhouse you can always ask to share your photos in the Rose Room or the Lucy Room. I would have to give you a free month, wouldn't I, so that you could see yourself the way all the other girls are seeing you?

Finally one last pic of the beautiful girls we celebrate in the Wendyhouse. This is Tammie Taylor, who is quite an eyeful of candy, don't you agree?

You can be a beautiful girl too, darling, but it takes care and practice. My advice would be: don't give up. It may not happen in the short term, but persevere until you are happy with what you see in the mirror.

If all goes well, my next Newsletter will be out in June.

Until then, my darling, love and kisses from your loving Aunt Frocks xxx