Teensy-Weensy must prance. Governess Delight clapped her hands excitedly, watching Governess Spanks wheel in an array of outrageous sissy dresses. "Oh yes! Let's see our little Teensy-Weensy squirm with shame, as we select his first disgraceful outfit for the day!" Sissy Teensy-Weensy stood completely naked in the centre of his pink sissy nursery, the only decoration adorning his girlish frame was the long pink satin ribbon that his Governesses tied into a bow around his tiny sissy knoblet. His baby-sized cock was hard and leaked frequently, causing his Governesses to have to monitor his dicklet throughout the day, in order to wipe up his naughty pre-cummies with tissues. Sissy Teensy-Weensy could not work out in his fragile sissy mind why the ribbon was so long today. It dangled down all the way to his dainty feet. Governess Delight stood next to Sissy Teensy-Weensy, and pinched his ear to speak into it. "Now then, Little Sissy, it's time to dance for us. Prance around the room like the ridiculous pansy you are. And don't forget to beg prettily for permission to put on one of your gorgeous little girl dresses!" Governess Delight smirked, amused by the show she knows is about to unfold before them. "Remember, the better you perform, the more Governess Spanks and I will be impressed with your dedication to humiliating yourself for our entertainment." Teensy-Weensy knows what is expected of him and his sissy prance (after hours of training, and lots of canings, at the hands of his relentless Governesses). First, he gets all the way up on his tiptoes, and places his feet closely together. He leans forward slightly, arching his back to accentuate his bare bottom. He pins his elbows to his sides, and then juts his forearms up and out to his sides. He lets his wrists go completely limp, causing his hands to dangle gayly. "Good Sissy Teensy-Weensy," Governess Delight praises, "but aren't you forgetting something?" she says with a honeyed voice, and a stern look in her eyes. Sissy Teensy-Weensy completes his humiliating stance, by smiling the most exageratedly happy grin he can muster. Governess Spanks giggles at the way Governess Delight is completely dominating their little sissy charge. She notes how his frame has become frail and thin, except for some plumpness around his thighs and especially on his girly bottom. Governess Delight, with a satisfied laugh, brings her hand down hard onto Teensy-Weensy's bare butt, sending him prancing around the room. His mincing steps are so tiny and dainty it takes him forever to make just one lap of the room, and his hips wiggle with every step, causing his bare bottom cheeks to wobble and jiggle hysterically. Naughty Teensy-Weensy can't help but glance over at his gorgeous Governesses as he prances around like a sissified spectacle. He forgets about the survelliance cameras in the four corners of his nursery, as he drinks in the sight of his Governesses curves in their sexy uniforms. Governess Delight stands tall in a sleek black rubber outfit that accentuates her buxom bust and pinched waist. Her uniform is adorned with silver buttons and a crisp white rubber apron. Her long, curly brown hair cascades down her back like a waterfall, framing her sharp features and bright green eyes. Governess Spanks stands on the other side of the rack of babyish sissy dresses. She sports a bright red latex uniform that showcases her curvy bottom, with a similarly crisp white rubber apron. Her short, choppy blonde hair is styled in a punk-rock fashion, and her bright blue eyes sparkle with amusement as she selects an outrageously babyish sissy dress from the clothing rack. Sissy Teensy-Weensy's eyes widen with horror, as he sees the pale pink sissy dress and its many layers of tulle petticoats, as his Governess holds it up high for him to behold. The dresses puffed sleeves look like pink baloons, and the petticoats explode outwards, creating a wide poufy skirt that threatens to expose the wearers most private parts. But it's the sparkly fairy wings on the back that cause a tear to run down the smiling cheeks of Sissy Teensy-Weensy. Made of iridescent fabric with glittering sequins, they stick out from the back like giant pink butterfly wings, shining and shimmering in the light. Governess Delight cackles with glee, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh my, Little Sissy Teensy-Weensy, look at that dress! Isn't it just perfect for an over-the-top sissy baby like you?" Sissy Teensy-Weensy minces and wiggles towards his Governesses, his teary eyes fixed hopelessly on the outrageous sissy dress, his stiff little beribboned cock twitches helplessly and guides him towards it like a moth to a pink flame. Governess Spanks held the dress out far in front of her curvaceous figure, shaking it teasingly to make the petticoats swish about. "We know you want to wear this dress, Little Sissy, your teensy pee-wee never lies to us, and it looks ready to squirt for us already." Both Governesses laughed loudly, thoroughly enjoying tormenting their sissy, and excercising their power over him. "You're such a helpless little sissy dolly!" Governess Delight chimed in. "Beg us to let you wear this ridiculous dress! Show us how much you want to be seen in this utterly humiliating outfit, and maybe we'll grant your wish." Sissy Teensy-Weensy's knees wobbled as he stood cowering before his Governesses, still high up on his tiptoes, his little wee twitching desperately as he continued staring at the outlandish sissy baby fairy dress. "P-P-Please Governesses, may I wear that sissy fairy dress? I p-p-promise to behave as the most ri-ri-diculous, pathetic sissy b-b-b-baby in it!" he spoke softly and nervously, his voice shaky as he tried to fight back the tears in his eyes. Governess Delight raised an eyebrow, her expression one of mock skepticism. "Hmmm, Little Sissy, are you really willing to degrade yourself that much? Are you really willing to become a laughingstock just for the chance to wear this sissy dress?" she asks mockingly. Governess Spanks continues holding out the dress, placing a hand on her curvy hip, she torments Little Sissy Teensy-Weensy. "Tell us, our little namby-pamby boy, why is your infant-sized prick so stiff for this dress? Are you desperate to be seen as a ridiculous sissy? Or, is it because you're so weak and helpless that you can't resist entertaining us, your superior Governesses? Hmmm?" Both Governesses giggle as they turn the heat up on their helpless sissy creampuff. Teensy-Weensy whimpered, tears streamed down his cheeks as he struggled to maintain his silly smile. "Ohhhh, Governess Delight, G-Governess Spanks... I can't help it, I want to prance around in that dress while you laugh at me, it makes my little wee-wee feel so tingly!" Tears began running freely down the sissys face as weak sobs began to escape his throat. Both his Governesses burst into peals of laughter at his confession, and at the sight of sissy pre-cummies escaping the shiny head of Teensy-Weensy's Teensy Pee-pee. Governess Delight turned to grab a tissue from a nearby box of tissues, and approached Little Teensy-Weensy, bending over so her face was close to his tiny, drippy cocklet, and she dabbed the runny helmet with the tissue until it was dry again. Governess Spanks continued to probe the little sissy with questions, knowing full well that it was only a matter of minutes before she and Governess Delight would be laughing at a prancing sissy spectacle. "You do know that the cameras in the four corners of your nursery are on, right?" Governess Spanks says, her words becoming more menacing. "They'll capture every humiliating second of your pitiful display, and we'll take that footage and post it online, so that people from all around the world can see what a pathetic, ridiculous little sissy you are." As these words sank in to Teensy-Weensy's little mind, he trembled at the thought of everyone seeing him for what he truly was, and yet he knew deep down that he had no choice. He was trapped in this situation, and any deviation from his path towards complete submission and sissy servitude to superior women would be met with swift and merciless punishment. His voice warbled, "Yes, Governess, I understand. Please may I wear the dress, I'll prance around all dainty and sissy." The Governesses exhange a knowing, sadistic glance towards eachother. "Oh, our dear little sissy boy..." Governess Spanks says, her voice dripping with malice. "You'll be doing a lot more than just prancing around for us, in your precious little fairy dress! Aaaah-Hahahahaha!" She burst into a fit of wicked laughter as she seized Litte Sissy Teensy-Weensy by his frail arm, forcing his arms up above his head and feeding his dainty hands through the holes of the enormously puffed sleeves. As she brought the dress down his arms and over his head, the little sissy let out a squeal of mixed excitment and terror. Governess Delight strolled briskly over to the nursery cupboard, where she rummaged around, passing over diapers and baby bonnets and dummy's that had the shapes of little cocks for Teensy-Weensy to suck on. She was looking for something specific, and she found it... Governess Spanks fussed over the outlandish dress that Little Sissy Teensy-Weensy was now dressed in, adjusting the fairy wings and the many layers of petticoats. She reached down below the masses of petticoats, and squeezed a handful of bare girlish sissy bottom. She continued to squeeze Teensy-Weensy's big bare butt cheeks, as her other hand reached around and lightly squeezed the teensy sissy cocklet, chuckling at the long pink satin ribbon that hung all the way down to the floor. It was finally time for the ribbons purpose to be realised, Governess Spanks thought to herself, as Governess Delight was spreading across the floor a large pink rubber play-mat. Governess Delight addressed Governess Spanks direclty, "I'll get the little princess potty, if you would do the honors of tying that little girls little ribbon the way we planned" she chuckeled, highly amused and excited for the grand finale. Little Sissy Teensy-Weensy's heart raced in his chest, dread consumed him as he knew that his once innocent sissy fantasies were about to be turned up to eleven, by the sadistic and unrelenting women that had taken absolute control of his destiny. His Governess Spanks stopped the squeezing of his bottom cheeks and little cock, in order to grab both the long ends of the pink satin ribbon that had been tied onto his pee-wee this entire time. She pulled the longs ends of the ribbon between his smooth, hairless legs, until his hard little sissy cock was pulled back enough to be positioned between his thighs. The little sissy squealed like a frightened little girl "Oooohhh, wha-wha-what are y-you d-d-d-doing? Ohh boo-hoo-hoooooo!" he sobbed, clueless to the plans of his Governesses. If only he wasn't so attracted to them, and if only he wasn't so weak and easily bossed around, he might not be in this predicament. He sobbed some more as he felt the long, soft, satin ribbon being pulled up between his round and soft sissy bottom cheeks. Governess Spanks held the ends of the satin ribbon up high, giggling mischeviously as she savoured the sight of Little Sissy Teensy-Weensy looking like an effeminate baby-doll on a string. Teensy-Weensy's crying went up an octave, as he witnessed his Governess Delight placing a pink plastic potty on the center of the rubber mat. It had pictures of purple butterflies all over it, and on the front was a picture of laughing Cinderella. Governess Delight glared at him menacingly, "It's almost time, Sissy Teensy-Weensy, remember that you promised to be a good little sissy baby for us!" She laughed as she made her way to the nursery cupboard for the final pieces of equipment: A bottle of lube, and one the dummy's shaped like a little penis. Governess Delight turned and approached Sissy Teensy-Weensy, who was still being held captive like a sissy on a string by his Governess Spanks. True to her name, his Governess began slapping his bare bottom cheeks, as he cried loudly like a scared sissy baby, watching his other Governess approach. "Oh Teensy-Weensy," Governess Delight cooed at him, while the sound of his girly butt cheeks being spanked rang through the nursery and out of the open window. "It's time to be a good little dolly... you want to be our good little baby girl, don't you?" He whined loudly, "YES! Oh YES! Governess Delight, Governess Spanks, I'm your good little sissy girl! I'll do whatever you say, always! Oh THANK YOU Governesses!" Both ladies cackled triumphantly at his tearful yet loving profession, and Governess Delight lubed up the binky, and handed it to Governess Spanks, before lubing up the tiny ribboned sissy cock that pointed stiffly down between Teensy-Weensy's sexy plump thighs. He moaned as he felt the fingertips of his Governess on his sissy dick, and he moaned louder still as the feeling of a little dildo slid between his butt cheeks and into his slutty sissy hole. The laughter of both his Governesses rang in his ears, and Teensy-Weensy felt Governess Spanks feeding the satin ribbon between the hoop of the binky, pulling the ribbon up between his butt cheeks once again, before tying the ribbon around his slim waist and into a bow that sat on the small of his back. Governess Delight and Governess Spanks could barely contain their giggles, as they grabbed an arm of Teensy-Weensy's each, and led him prancing over towards laughing Cinderalla on the pink plastic potty, sitting in the centre of the pink rubber mat. Sissy Teensy-Weensy placed his tiptoes onto each side of the potty, guided by his Governesses, who pushed his knees together so that his hairless thighs squeezed his little hard cock. "Prance on the spot, Sissy Pansy!" Governess Spanks shouted her command, and punctuated it with another firm slap to his bare sissy bottom. Another firm, stinging slap came from his Governess Delight, "That's right Nancy-boy! Shake your butt and rub that BABY-PRICK between your legs! You're going to make sissy spurties into your pansy potty for us! HAHAHAHAHA!" Both women stepped back confidently, and admired the outragoeus sight before them. A grown man, dressed up like an over-the-top parody of a little girl in a prissy pink fairy princess costume, dancing on his tiptoes, knees pressed together, bare sissy bottom wobbling about while his tiny boner rubs between his creamy thighs. The dominant women laughed, and laughed, and when Sissy Teensy-Weensy's dancing finally made his teensy infant-prick spurt its pathetic creamies into his potty, they howled even louder with delight. ------------------------- On Tuesday, 30 April 2024 at 09:59, susan frocks It's good to know that you are so subservient to your Mistress Laura - your Governess. You evidently need to look up in abject weakness to a woman. Marriage would not suit you since partners need to be equals. Yes you may send me a story. It would not be published for quite a while: my next Newsletter will be in the Summer. No you may NOT suck my finger. I will choose when you do that, which would be when I feel totally superior to Baby you and you are completely inferior to me. Your superior Aunt Frocks x ~End~ ***