Hello my dear. Come in and read my Newsletter for November with me. I'm glad you've joined me, because you can read the heart-warming choice of letters I've received from readers who like to feel feminine and like to look pretty. I've got a lovely letter for you from Sliplover who tells us how he came to love his sisters' lingerie, then some favourite pencil skirt photos Tina sent to me. Dame Selena's letter guided my nephew in how to finish the Society of Matrons story, and Big Baby Fan tells us how unhappy he is that Prim is going to cut down the number of baby pictures and stories.
Well let me reassure you, my darling, and Big Baby Fan, that Prim will continue to include plenty of babyfication stories and pictures, because my sissy babies are very close to my heart and we must take care of them with special loving and cuddling. In fact he has given me one to include in this very Newsletter - because you asked me so nicely in your letter, Big Baby darling. I'm also including Prim's story at the CHERUB Sissyfication Hospital, because Tara likes babifying stories and she isn't even in the Wendyhouse.
But the big news this month is the impending start of the new, up-to-date, coloured and re-worked edition of Prim's story WALT WISCONSIN, a version never seen before. Of course Prim is still trying to catch up with the calendar and get Walt in the Wendyhouse for you before the end of November, but Honeykins, you must make sure you are ready to read it on the day it comes out. I'll let you know a couple of days in advance.
Until then, darling, hold my hand and you can go through my Newsletter with me, then you can join me inside the Wendyhouse and enjoy the last two, three or four issues of PPP. And not forgetting The Stepford Sissies. Gosh, aren't we going to have a lovely girly time together.
Aunt Frocks xxx
Letter 1 - It was lingerie that did it for me
Dear Aunt Frocks,
I've thought about sending you a mail for your Tell Aunt Frocks page, and now I've taken the plunge. You sound so friendly to sissies that you've made it easy for me.
I wanted to tell how I started cross dressing, many years ago. I am heterosexual and I love women, especially when they are scantily dressed, in bras, knickers and slips. I used to love the Spic and Span books you could buy from the back of the magazine shops. The girls in them had gorgeous figures, and they wore lacy baby dolls or soft and shiny petticoats, always with stockings and high heels.
I grew up with two sisters, one older one younger, and I knew exactly what lingerie they had and which drawers they had them in. My mother too. So when I was alone in the house, I could go and see their filmy soft treasures. I became good at noticing how they were folded, taking them out to spread them out on the bed, and even to put them on for that gorgeous feeling. Then I could put them back the same without being suspected. (I think!) I must have been too young to come because I never did.
Do you think Prim could do more pictures where the women and the sissies are wearing just lingerie, like on a shopping spree for petticoats, bras and panties. I'd love to read the story he puts with that kind of a picture.
Many thanks for the Wendyhouse site.
Sliplover xxx
Dear Sliplover,
I liked your letter, because you tell us beautifully about your own early and formative experiences. Prim tells me he liked it for a different reason - because your early playtimes with your sisters' lingerie was like his own. He grew up, apparently, on Spic and Span picture books too. He says they can still be found, but nowadays the internet has all the lingerie photos you could dream of.
I pointed out to him that picture books are one thing, but lifting your sisters' silky lingerie out of their chest of drawers is quite another - feeling them in your hands, and feeling the silky nylon sliding down your body. Panties in your hands, of course, are divine, and feeling them drawn up your legs until they reach your waist is just paradise.
Thank you for reminding us of the delicious femininity of girls lingerie, darling.
Love from Aunt Frocks xxx
Here are four lovely photos from Debbie:
Isn't she gorgeous? And quite an actress too. A girl of many parts.
Letter 2 - Pencil skirt photos
Dear Aunt Frocks,
When I saw your Newsletter with favourite blouse photos a sissy had sent in, I wanted to send in some of my favourites too. I am a pencil skirt lover, so here is a sample of my store of photos.
Tina Tightskirt
Dear Tina,
I was hoping more sissies would follow the lead given by Dame Selena, and I am sure your love of tight skirts will be appreciated by lots of other sissies. I know that many sissies like to feel constricted by the tight clothes their Mistresses dress them in. It is definitely a form of bondage, and goes hand in hand with being punished by her or kept under her control.
Thank you for sending me some of your favourite photos darling. I hope many more sissies will as well.
Hugs in your tight skirts from
Aunt Frocks x
Letter 3 - Dame Selena expresses her dominant dress urges
Dear Prim,
You'll be happy to know that the Wendyhouse is functioning at proper speed now. Thank you for the technical advice. You do an outstanding job keeping the tech maintenance of the Wendyhouse operational and up to date.
Do give my thanks to Aunt Frocks efforts as well. I understand that you and AF are working very hard in respects to the Wendyhouse and you both deserve applause.
I decided to revisit the Society of Matrons once more, and I can further add that Gilesy will certainly have his hands full while he fashions himself in my crisp silk blouses. I would however like to see him fashioned in a tightly fitted buttoned-down hobble skirt. But then again, this can be something specially hidden beneath those frilly petticoats and pleated skirts as he is presented to the rest of the SOM. HA! I'm just imagining how difficult it will be for him to keep balance. I hope that he's up to the challenge of wearing my upper class fashions. Not to mention the mink coat that he'll be wearing. I'm looking forward to the conclusion of Gilesy and GrandmaMuri's storyette.
Best of luck to maintaining you and AF's goals throughout the coming months.
Thank you for your photo compliments, they're well appreciated. You shall hopefully see new fashions in my photostream soon.
Warm regards,
Dear Madame Selena,
Thank you for your kind remarks - we do our best to keep everything running smoothly to ensure a happy experience for everyone who visits and joins the Petticoat Wendyhouse.
I hope you like the ending to the Society of Matrons story, which will be appearing in PPP#26 at the end of October. I liked your suggestion of tight skirting - I should include more of this feminizing way of restricting sissies while they are in dress bondage. I look forward to any additions you make to your gorgeous photostream of fashions, Madame, and like other sissies, I beg permission to kneel and kiss the toe of your shoe.
Warm wishes and respect,
Prim x
All respect is due to Madame Selena, and it might be a good idea to keep on the right side of Mistress Wanda too, who can be pre-tty-strict when she needs to be:
Thank you, Wanda, for permission to show your superb photographs.
Letter 4 - More baby stories please, Prim
Dear Prim,
You are such a good artist and clever writer that I for one will always be a subscriber to your site. That said, what I love more than anything is baby stories. I love the whole thing: diapers and rubber pants of course, wetting myself, baby dresses and baby suits, bonnets and mittens, but also the high chairs, playpens, cribs, baby buggies and being helpless in the hands of Mummy. But when Aunt Frocks said you were going to cut down the nursery page from two pictures to one, this was such a loss to me, and I am sure to many other baby sissies, of which I am sure there are many in the Wendyhouse world. I would think going up from two baby pictures to three - or ten! Would be a better idea.
Just little me saying what I would like to see you doing. Your baby stories are incredibly satisfying.
A bib baby fan
Dear friend,
Thank you for your kind words. It means a lot to me when sissies tell me they enjoy my work. You are right to be disappointed, as a sissy baby, that I decided to cut down on the baby pictures. My Aunt has included your letter in her Newsletter because you made this point, but there were other sissy babies who said what a pity too. So please don't think it will always be only one baby picture in Prim's Petticoat Pansies. In fact I'll change it around regularly. Maybe even doing three pictures sometimes, with not so many general sissy pics.
I'll do my best to keep everyone happy.
Warm wishes,
Letter 5 - Awesome sissies
Dear Aunt Frocks,
I've just been going through the latest edition (Prim's Petticoat Pansies #26) and I was smitten by the awesome sissies who send in their photos to go into your Letters Page. The same for the Newsletter. How do they manage to look so perfectly passable? How do they have so many outfits? How do they take such perfect photos?
Bi-phil, my darling,
Of course you are right, and thank you for writing to me. These babes are pure gold dressed up as platinum. The lovely thing about their photos for me is not so much the stunning styles our girls wear, but the way they all look so feminine. I would suggest that it doesn't happen by accident. There's a bit of homework to do first, then some practice, and finally keeping trying until you get that look that you're after. Am I right, girls?
But don't forget what I've already said in Newsletters gone by, whether you are a member of the Petticoat Wendyhouse or not, if you send me some photos for me to include in my Newsletter or Letters Page, you will get a free month's membership in the Wendyhouse.
So pick out half a dozen pics, my darling, and mail them to me at auntfrocks@mail.com
Love from Aunt Frocks x
It gives me great pleasure to share with you, and with all our sissies, some photos of Cassie and Jacqui, two brilliant girls in love.
Thank you Cassie and Jacqui. We'll share more of your photos soon.
Letter 6 - Another Prim pic from a Wendyhouse story
Dear Aunt Frocks
Thank you so much for your reply and for the reassurance about the payment method. The hesitation arises from my personal circumstances and not Verotel itself. Would it be possible to pay via Paypal as I already make a subscription via them? Sorry to be a pain.
I was most pleasantly surprised to see my email in your latest newsletter and to have included the picture and story of Josie and Lionel was just so deliciously sweet, to think you did it especially for me was sooo lovely, thank you darling Aunt.
Another Prim picture I came across on a Tumblr site was one of a sweet sissy called Virgil about to meet his Valentine date, what gorgeous sissies Prim draws please give him a warm cuddle and kiss from me.
Again thank you for your kind response and your lovely site.
With warm hugs to you too darling.
Tara xx
How nice to hear from you again, Tara my dear. So you've seen my Newsletter - my you are quick, and I'm glad you liked the Sweethearts story. Now that you mention the Virgil and his date story, thank you for putting me in mind to include it in my November newsletter, just for you. See? If you ask, you often get!
But one thing I can't grant you is an alternative payment method for Wendyhouse membership. Verotel insist on Mastercard payments for UK applicants, since Visa cards can be used under the age of 18, our minimum age. Prim and I are happy with that, and although an eager sexuality can kick in at any age, sissies in UK will have to wait until they get a Mastercard account. I'm not saying you fit into that group, Tara, but I can't move the goalposts to fit individual cases. Sorry darling.
Keep enjoying your feminine side, sweetheart, any way you can.
Hugs from Aunt Frocks x
Here's the Prim story for sissy babies I promised you earlier.
Now let me tell you a little bit more about what's coming at the Wendyhouse between now and the end of the year. I'll start with one or two details about Walt Wisconsin. Eighteen-year-old Walt, a bit of a playboy womanizer, finds himself on his own after he is unfortunately orphaned. He contacts his one remaining relative, cousin Delma Pensforth, 30 years old and a divorcee couturiere, living in London and disillusioned with men. Delma blesses her lucky stars, and far from taking pity on Walt, she seizes the opportunity to hit the clan of male pigs in the crotch, as it were, by altering her cousin's sex. So she invites the poor, unsuspecting sap to come and live with her.
You can read the first part of how Walt gets on later this month. The other goody to look forward to is the forthcoming Emma Room, into which I will be putting all my past Newsletters, which by that time will be seven. That means a nice collection of Prim pics and storyettes, all your correspondence with me, and a feast of photos of our delicious girls. Look out for that in December.
Just let me show you another Prim picture with its storyette. This one is called:
I simply must finish my Newsletter with another pic of Jane, just to show how gorgeous she is. That dress is divine, isn't it, and there's something bewitching about painted toe-nails in hose.
A beautiful babe in blue.
Until then, hugs and kisses from
Aunt Frocks xxx