Welcome to my sixth Newsletter, darling. I want to show you some of this month's gorgeous sissies who have sent me their photos to share, and you can read what sissies have been telling me in their letters. Plus you can read a couple of Prim's stories with me picked out of the Wendyhouse - mmm, there are plenty more where these came from - and then I'll give you a foretaste of some Primmy delights that are coming soon before I finish my letter with another Prim picture and storyette. Plenty for you to enjoy, then.
But first, some newsy bits. My nephew has been working harder than usual, bless him, in order to catch up on late additions to the Wendyhouse. He managed to complete the final part of The Stepford Sissies in time for 08 October, and now he has delivered my Newsletter too. All that remains is for him to complete PPP#26 by the end of the month. He tells me he can.
Another nice bit of news is that we have been given photos of some adorably feminine sissies to show everyone in the Wendyhouse, both in my Newsletters in the front end website, and in my Letters Pages inside the Wendyhouse. I want to give a warm 'thank you' hug to all of them who you will see in our photos over the coming weeks and months. Sisters, one and all.
And that leads me to return to a topic I told you about last month: the new Rose Room, in which we will hopefully see photos of all the sissy-girls who have told me they would like their photos to appear in there, for the admiration of many! Well Prim tells me that he will have the Rose Room gallery open sometime in November. I can't wait. And for those of you who ask when we can see my past Newsletters, Primmy says that will be in November too. What a joy he is. So all the past Newsletters which have disappeared for now will reappear inside the Wendyhouse, in the Emma Room.
And now for our sisters' letters and photos, darling. Hold my hand and I'll show you everything in my Newsletter.
Letter 1 - Thanks to Prim
Dear Aunt Frocks,
Congratulations are in order to both yourself and Prim. The latest issue (PPP#25) is simply outstanding, (as are all your sissy readers' naughty bits by now, I'm sure!) and the rest of its contents can't come quickly enough. (A bit like me sometimes - oops!)
I think we are entering exciting times in the Wendyhouse, and the new additions and - developments will make it even harder for all of us to even think of stepping outside again. It is completely understandable that Prim has had to slow down a little bit, because the latest editions of PPP have been steadily getting fuller in content compared with the earliest editions. How Prim manages to dream up so many different exciting scenarios is a wonderful mystery, although we all know that sissies in a state of constant arousal is actually quite normal, so it's no wonder the poor chap was getting exhausted. I know he wants to please all his readers so much, because true sissies are very generous and warm hearted people, but sometimes he must take care of himself without worrying about us too much!
I'm also delighted that we will be able to catch up again with your earlier Newsletters, and a Gallery of Sissies is a simply super idea! I shall have to see if I can find some nice pics to send in for you.
Please give my thanks to your nephew with best wishes for his future success.
Hugs and cuddles,
Priscilla Pettipanties.
Thank you for you kind words, Priscilla darling; I'll pass them on to Prim.
Of course being permanently erect inside the Wendyhouse is something I accept as being quite understandable. It's supposed to be an exciting environment, but like you say, it will be even nicer with all my Newsletters available for members to browse through. And photos of our darling members will add a touch of class. Yes, darling, please send me some of your own photos to join the others.
You're kind to think of Prim and how he found it hard to keep up (so to speak!) but he isn't out of the woods yet, I'm afraid. He's aiming to hit his targets, but if he falls a bit short, we may have to put up with that until he finally gets there.
Meanwhile, Priscilla dear, keep on enjoying your sensitive feminine side with us in the Petticoat Wendyhouse. I'd like to say a personal thank you for the lovely story I was able to include in my last Newsletter (no.5).
Kiss, kiss, my sweet.
Aunt Frocks xxx
Letter 2 - Photos from Jane
Hi Prim
Hope you are doing ok? Thank you for your lovely compliments and the invite. I am happy you deem my pics good enough to show to the unsuspecting public.
You can show any pictures of me you like as long as they are of me only. The pics of me with other people, as you will understand, I cannot show without their permission.
Your website looks great, and sometimes I do enjoy the sissy side of dressing, and enjoy reading stories and looking at artwork. I hope your website is long and successful
Love Jane xx
Hi Jane.
Thank you for getting back to me and for your wonderful offer. Pictures of you will be most acceptable to my readership.
Do you want me to download the photos myself from your Flickr photostream? I'm fine with that, only you might have preferences. I'll go ahead unless you tell me otherwise. If you want to send me your own choices, you could use my mail address at
I'm pleased you liked the look of the Petticoat Wendyhouse website, and I'll arrange for you to be a guest member later today.
Hugs for you, Jane,
Prim x
Jane pics
Letter 3 - We are all girls together
My dearest Aunt Frocks
Thank you for the free membership, it means a lot to me and is very kind. I felt ever so nice and feminine visiting and certainly where I belong.
Oh that does make me feel special when you say we are all girls together. It is something I crave, to be seen and accepted as a girl. I consider sissyhood as such a blessing, not a why me in the negative sense but thank God me. I guess it's why I feel this sadness and empathy towards other sissies who are unable to dress and express themselves because they have been blessed in being born sissies but unable to truly shine.
I don't know if I have mentioned it before but I am also a baby girl. There are times when I feel really little and need the security of nappies, dummies and to just be helpless. I love feeling all snugly wuggly and find it easy to use my nappies for wee wees and poo poos and it feels natural to be wet and dirty. I have had potty problems all my life, bed wetting, fear of the potty, not being able to wipe very well so my nappies take away my stresses.
I know I am different to all around me and that actually makes me feel good, I'm more child than adult, an utter sissy who longs to live as a little girl. What is amazing is this beautiful sissy world, how accepting it is and such wonderful people like you Aunt who help sissies are special, so very special.
Thank you
x x x
Little Samantha my dear,
I'm thrilled that you find yourself at ease in the Wendyhouse. Yes you are one of many sissy sisters. Enjoy your girlish self with us, and if you want to wet and poo in your nappies, that's perfectly fine.
Cuddles, my baby darling,
Aunt Frocks xxx
Larry has sent me another story and pic to share. Isn't he a gem?
Letter 4 - Dame Selena on the Society of Matrons
Prim asked Dame Selena Haute Couture who her photographer was. Here's her letter.
Dear Prim,
I must extend my congratulations to you for creating such a fine piece of femme artwork. I was thoroughly impressed with your storytelling. You did a spectacular job with improving my figure. I wish I was that voluptuous of a Mistress in real life. Your detail was spot on. I will admit, I kept pretending to be in this scenario with Gilesy. So easy to immerse myself into this reading. I hope Dame Selena might feature in your next storyette.
Thank you for the compliment. I take all of my photostream shots myself lol. I have to be the photographer and model at the moment. I probably should get a sissy or two to have the honor of photographing me.
It would be a pleasure to feature in the Rose Room. I would be interested to see how many sissies will be wanting to wait in line for this new room of admiration. Is the production of the Rose room going well?
warm regards,
Dear Selena,
Glad you liked The Society of Matrons, and your part in it. I made you a more likeable Matron than the general run of the rest. I'm not sure whether Dame Selena will feature again - that story ends with the next two chapters. But that's not to say you may not pop up elsewhere, putting sissies in their places.
No advance yet on the Rose Room, and perhaps not in October - it's going to be a busy month. One thing my Aunt insists on getting right is asking the permission of each sissy whether they want to be included. The Rose Room will be inside the Wendyhouse, so it will be seen only by sissy members.
Enjoy the Wendyhouse, Selena. I've seen the lovely photos you've been uploading into your Photostream.
Warm huggies,
Letter 5 - A lovely sissy who likes to be all in pink has sent me some photos to show you.
Hi Prim
Oh wow thank you for the nice message and I have certainly seen your website.
Love your drawings and stories as well. I saw the latest newsletter, and I'd love to visit Mistress Selena or Lady Penelope one day - just perfect to be a 24/7 prissy sissy under control of a strong Auntie or Mommy.
You really think I'd be suitable on your pages? Wow that would be amazing.
Where would you like me to send them?
Thanks again
sissy Kelly
Hello dear Kelly. I was delighted to get your reply, and yes, you certainly are suitable for the Petticoat Wendyhouse.
I can't wait to see which photos you select to send, you have so many gorgeous ones. I'll pass them on to my Aunt, whose Newsletter it is.
Hugs, darling,
Prim x
This is Kelly:
Kelly darling, you are a dream in pink frills, and I can't wait to feature you again in the Letters Page of the upcoming issue of Prim's Petticoat Pansies.
Oodles of kisses, pet,
Aunt Frocks xxx
Letter 5 - Under the influence of Jennifer
Dear Auntie Frocks;
In just two issues, I think I've fallen in love with sissy Jennifer. In PPP #25, the incredibly beautiful picture of her holding the hem of her lovely and girly lilac dress up to her chin and looking so demure and submissive while showing her lilac satin slip with delicate lace was almost hypnotic to me. In my trance I imagined I was wearing a similar dress in virginal white. As I continued to stare at the lovely photo I imagined that Jennifer and I were playing kisses and cuddles. Suddenly I started to spurt uncontrollably in my pink satin and lacy knickers/panty. Although they are made of double-sided bridal satin, I'm afraid my sissy cream seeped through leaving a bit of a mess.
Needless to say, I cannot wait for PPP #26 as you explore Jennifer's sissy thoughts. Thank you so very very much.
Hello Shelley darling.
Thank you for writing to tell me about your sweet sissy feelings of excitement. I can picture you too, feeling so like a girl that your sissy cream pushes through your satin panty. You made me want to put my arms round you, darling, and hug you so tightly.
But sweetheart, you are mistaken. The picture you loved showed a girl or another sissy, it was one that Jennifer sent to Miss Blouse to describe how he was feeling. Jennifer is in the other photograph in PPP#25, in a white blouse and blue skirt. That little sweetie is under instructions from his Governess to send her more pictures and descriptions, informing Miss Blouse of what fills him with the desire to be a girl, describing how he feels.
Look out for Jennifer's next effort, my dear, and perhaps it will have the same effect on you again. Prim's Petticoat Pansies #26 will be in the Wendyhouse by the end of October.
Loving cuddles,
Aunt Frocks x
I wonder if you are a women's cardigan and sweater lover, my darling? I want to show some nice photos to all the sissies who like to wear Auntie's cardigans.
4 Cardigans
Prim and I know there are many sissies who love ladies in cardigans, it means they might hug them snuggly into their woolly bust for mummy cuddles.
Now it's my pleasure to share with you some photos from the inimitable Queen of Style: Miss Wanda Nylon. Here she is in some of her mouth-watering outfits.
I'm sure a lot of our sissies would love to be mothered, or even bossed, by Miss Nylon. In another Letters Page I will show you the other, stricter side of Wanda.
Letter 6 - Being careful about adult entertainment
Dear Aunt Frocks
What a thrill it was to enter the samples page of your newsletter and to read the part story of Peter, Kevin and Stephen, forty years ago and I could imagine myself in Stephen's 'heels' my imagination ran quite a riot as to what might have followed as they led Stephen away to enjoy lots of sissy fun, I can imagine where age has no meaning, my compliments to Priscilla. It nearly tipped me over to joining the Wendy House but I hesitated as the payment can be linked to an adult entertainment site. Thank you any way.
Whilst perusing the homepage I was struck by the sissies in the background and particularly liked the two holding hands and gazing dreamily/lustfully into each other's eyes. I was wondering if there was a clearer picture of this as it would be so lovely to view.
Thanks again to you and Prim and I hope you don't mind me contacting you outside the Wendy House.
My dear Tara,
Can I first say how sorry I am that you feel unable to join us in the Wendyhouse. But I agree with you: seizing the pleasure loses all its appeal if it turns out to have regrettable consequences one day. Just to give you a clear picture about links to an adult entertainment site: if you pay your membership fee of 10 USD, it is paid to Verotel Ltd, and on your bank statement the transaction would appear as: VEROTEL PAYMENT. Earlier this year, private bank statement payments to Verotel were marked as: vtsup.com*Primonline. This was because Primonline is the name of our entertainment business for tax purposes, and since Verotel have laws of international business that they must obey, they are obliged to name the business involved in every one of their transactions. We at Primonline are satisfied that every part of our project is perfectly legal. For some readers the need for confidentiality is not important, but it is important for everyone to make their own choices.
Now that I've explained all that, Tara darling, thank you for your kind words about the front end of the Wendyhouse site. The picture of two happy sissies gazing into each other's eyes is from a story inside the Wendyhouse in PPP#20, so here it is, especially for you.
Warm hugs, darling, from Aunt Frocks xxx
Letter 7 - Jason in the Pretty Boy Boutique
Dear Aunt Frocks,
Prim tells great stories, but so far the story that crowns the others for me is Jason's Day in Pretty Boy. You know how you say sissy members can feel they are in every story, well in this one I really do. That's why I keep reading it over and over. I love the part where he is led into the salon to start work as a sissy model, holding the hand of Miss Presswell his employer, then he is so embarrassed by a swarm of women customers that he starts to cry and buries his face in the front of her frilly blouse filled with emotion. Then he is fastened into the display chair for the women to play with him. I am sitting there myself, and it's a creamy dream come true.
More please Prim.
Dear Janette,
I can imagine how nice it is for sissies like yourself to feel so at home in a Prim story that you share all the feminine thrills of the sissy you are reading about. And if it works like that, Prim and I are very happy, because what we want is for you to enjoy your feminine feelings with us. Thank you for making me happy with your letter, darling, and here is the episode of that very story, for other readers to enjoy.
Cuddles from Aunt Frocks xxx
We've come to the last part of my Newsletter, dear sissy, which is where I tell you about one or two nice things that are coming soon in the Wendyhouse. I've told you about the upcoming Rose Room for photos of sissies - whether they are members or not! - and soon after, the Emma Room for the five missing Newsletters. Now let's talk about what else will happen over October and November.
In Prim's next issue of Petticoat Pansies, at the end of October, two of Prim's pictures with storyettes will be: The New Sissy Girlfriends, and Nurse Fullsome creams Nigel for his ex-wife. Then the Society of Matrons, in the final part of the story, will enjoy their monthly Sissy Fashion Frolics. And what about me dressing you, darling, in my boudoir collection for dresses for bigger girls. The sort of dresses that make big sisters so feminine and gorgeous. I've got a nice collection for us to try on together.
Looking a bit further on, into November, Prim has started work on a vintage story of his, the wretchedly humiliated Walt Wisconsin - this time with a full Prim text story to accompany his updated pictures. That is a treat in store for you, my sweetheart.
But before all that, I know you'd like to read another little storyette written and drawn by Prim:
I hope you liked that, darling, but I can't close my Newsletter without a final look at our beautiful Kelly. Would you believe it, she was doubtful if she would be good enough for her photos to grace the Wendyhouse?
Thank you for joining me to read my Newsletter with me, my precious. Enjoy the Wendyhouse.
Aunt Frocks xxx