Hello my darling. Welcome to my 33rd Newsletter for November 2020. I hope the girls who have written and Prim and me can combine our efforts to lift your spirits in these dreadful pandemic times. We've been helped by a wonderful throng of beautiful girls too, who are allowing us to share out their photographs for you to enjoy.
Their pictures come in a short while, but let me tell you first about what Prim is doing now and in the next month or so. His next project will be quite different, in the sense that it won't be in the Petticoat Wendyhouse website. He is working on a set of Primtoons that will appear at Lustomic.com, which should be ready in January. We hope you'll enjoy them: all originals, but with mini-stories instead of the usual full Prim storyettes.
That will be followed by Feminized In Frillies Volume 7 in collaboration with Prissy: hopefully in February. We also hope to be ready with Prim's Petticoat Pansies #38, a PUBLIC HUMILIATION special. This should have appeared by now but that hasn't been possible. We'll work hard to make it happen by February. Prim's story about Rodney Rustle is still in the pipeline: it'll have to wait darling, I'm sorry to say.
I'm delighted that girls are writing to me - or to Prim. Remember my 3 fave letters:
-how you started dressing,
-what you like to wear or what you like doing as a cd/tg, and
-what you have found to enjoy in the WH.
But you knew all that, because I've told you before what to write to me about. It's time for us to see what girls have been sending me darling, so cuddle close to me and we'll read my Newsletter together.
Aunt Frocks xxx
Let's start in a really good place for girly sweetness: the photos of Ms Holly Wood.
Letter 1 - Do such women exist or is it all just fiction?
Dear Aunt Frocks,
So many Prim stories have women in charge of men. You like to have a Mother-In-Law calling the shots and some of them are almost inhuman what they do to their daughter's husband - often with the daughter being just as beastly alongside her mother.
I'm asking if there is a reason in your past to explain why your women abuse the innocent men in the stories? Did you have a hard mother, or are you in a tough marriage with a MIL who grinds you down?
Love your stories, don't get me wrong. Keep on doing them this way and you can't go wrong.
Dear Carolyn,
I can understand why you think my mother or mother-in-law might be daunting characters, but in reality, no I don't have any vicious women in my life. I've known a few, but they didn't force feminize any sons of theirs. As far as I know.
No, the reason these women are like they are is because the story needs them. The sissy son-in-law submits to them because he wants Mummy to dress him up nicely and laugh at him. It's as simple as that.
Look at my story Married Into Petticoats for example, which runs in five chapters from Prim's Petticoat Pansies #7 to PPP#11. The fun of the story (for sissy readers) is the hopelessness of new husband Simon's position, since all the women, his MIL, his wife, her two teenage daughters and the woman doctor who has made him weak and feminized, are all intent on drinking in the misery he suffers as they tease him re-lent-less-ly. Agony for him, sexual excitement for them, and a mixture of both for sissies who like reading stories of petticoat discipline.
Enjoy the Wendyhouse, Carolyn, and thanks for writing. I love hearing what readers are interested in.
Prim x
These are the sorts of mega frilly dresses the unfortunate sissies are put into by their superiors in Prim stories. Unfortunate? or are they lucky?
I'll tell you what: I'll give you a link to Barbara Tam for some instant online shopping. Be careful though: you could spend an awesome amount of money all in one session.
Letter 2 - I'm looking for feminization
Hi Ma'am,
My name is Charlie and I'm looking to be feminized and saw your e-mail address on another's website. I thought I would reach out to you.
Hello dear, it's nice to hear from you.
I wonder what you have in mind? Correspondence, or a tutorial? Unfortunately I can't provide either of those for lack of time. I can help, though, by pointing you in the direction of my nephew's website, Prim's Petticoat Wendyhouse. It focuses on feminization of boys whether they want it or not. Look at some of the pictures and read some of the stories and you'll soon find a deeper longing to be as effeminate and helpless as the sissies in the stories.
If it is feminization in the sense of dress training and makeup, this is not the site for you. Luckily there are many others you could find if you search Feminization Services or Cross-Dressing Services. Some of these openings are very rewarding and will also mean you get to have some contacts.
I hope that helps, darling.
Hugs from Aunt Frocks x
I'm very excited to tell you, sweetheart, that not only are there new Roses in the Rose Room this month, but there are new arrivals in the Lacy Room too. All these girls are pleased to show you how lovely they are in their feminine lingerie.
It's a pity we can't see them all in my Newsletter, but you need to be a member of the Wendyhouse to visit the Rose Room and the Lacy Room.
Letter 3 - Prim and Prissy - volume 6
Hi Prim,
congratulations on another wonderful edition of Feminized In Frillies. I think you and Prissy are taking the art of story telling and illustrations to a whole new level, it really is so, so exciting. I just find myself squealing like a little girl as I play with myself and explode my sissy creamies time and time again into my frilly sissy panties.
I particularly love how your stories and drawings have several 'Sissies' all dressed up like little Girls and they are all playing together. They all look so sweetly Feminine and ultra sissy in their little girly outfits, especially with their bouncy fluffy petticoats, gorgeous sissy panties, and frilly Baby Doll Bonnets.
I also love how Prissy dresses her little sissies in those very stiff high starched collars. Their very sweet little bow neck-ties look so lovely when they are matched to their fabulous dresses, and very pretty hair bows.
And your story telling is just amazing Prim. I think my favourite of all 8 stories is 'John Panty Sucks His Way Through All The Sissies'. I just kept imagining that was me in the place of John Panty. OH!!!! what a lovely fantasy and 'Sissy Dream' that would be.
Hugs and Sissy Kisses,
Princess Sissy Pansy - deep Curtsy's.
Dear Princess,
Thank you so much for your kind words about my stories and Prissy's art work. I am pleased not just because we've helped you feel so girly, but because you've done what my Aunt keeps asking girls to do, and that is to write and tell us what things you liked in our work. It' so rewarding when sissies like you, sweetie, talk about the details you liked, because as you can imagine, that guides us to do more of the same. We just want to please.
I'm not surprised you like to see sissy-with-sissy playtime: so much girliness and sweetness and such frilly petticoats and frocks. And of course those panties that are stretched to the limit because of the delicious girly feelings inside them.
Let me just say that I am delighted, and I know Prissy would be too, that we have published stories that delight your sissy girl heart so much. I hope you won't have to wait too long for Feminized In Frillies Volume 7.
Sissy cuddles, hon.
Prim x
Klarissa said we could show you some of her photos too. Wow, take a look at this.
Letter 4 - How to download Prim pics and stories
Dear Prim,
Thank you again for resolving this subscription thing so easily.
When I dress up with/for my wife, she never tries to humiliate me, she just finds it very sexy. She even takes me shopping for lingerie and picks out what she likes for me. I'm very lucky and would love seeing some stories with that outlook instead most of all of them being just about humiliation.
Keep up the great work and please consider something with just or mostly pictures and charge whatever you like. Your artwork is so exciting and worth every penny.
PS is there some specific way to download things? I can't see how.
Dear Michael,
I'm glad the subscription is resolved for you now. It's good to be able to relax into enjoying the nice pics and stories you've paid for. Thank you for your kind words, and for your good idea about how Prim stories don't all have to be about humiliation and forcing. I do occasionally write about being free to express your femininity with the cooperation of mother or Auntie, or other ladies, mostly of the older Aunt kind of character, even Grandma. Women who understand and, like your dear wife, get a buzz out of seeing the thrill in their feminized sissy boys. I must do more.
Your other good idea about me publishing 'all pics' items without spending/losing time on stories is also worth looking into. I welcome new ideas, hon. I'll seriously cost it out time-wise.
You can download anything in the Petticoat Wendyhouse site. You can even spread it round in other forums like tumblr, bdsmlr, facebook, you name it, if that is likely to show it to sissies who haven't found Prim yet. My request would be that you attach the site URL to it to make it one click away for curious girls: www.primspetticoatwendyhouse.com It's not quite the same in the members' archive where all Prim stuff is. This is not for downloading, or if you do want to keep something, make it sparing. If some pirate comes along and saves everything in order to swell their tumblr site, that could rob me and Aunt Frocks of our livelihood, as you will appreciate. It would be a criminal thing to do. But with orders, you have bought that issue. Mind you, if you went wildly passing it on, you are in effect doing the same kind of thing to us. Not nice.
Here's how to download Prim work. Once you order a Prim issue, like FF-6 for example, you can download it page by page. This is what you should do so that you keep it as a new Prim book if you like. Open the first story: in FF-6, that's "I Am Desexed at Sissy Bliss", but for HTML purposes - in web terms - this page is called "1-caught". To save this page just as it is, right click not on the image but anywhere else on the page and choose "Save as". The "save as" window should show this page as "1-caught" and "Web Page Complete". Save it into your Downloads, to be catalogued somewhere else later. In my pc it opens into Microsoft Edge in two parts: a MS Edge file called "1-caught" and a folder called "1-caught files" which contains all the images on this web page. Click on the MS Edge icon/file and you open your saved page complete. When moving/copying/storing this page, you have to keep these 2 files together or you lose text or images.
So in short, right click on the page to save, choose Save As to get Web Page Complete, and save.
Hope that opens a new world for you hon. lol.
Warm hugs,
Prim x
Dear Prim,
What a sweet and thoughtful person you are. Thank you for all the time and trouble you've taken to educate me. Now I can read your wonderful stories and look at your incredible pictures any time I choose. I can't wait!
Yes, please do more stories that involve wives, aunts, grandmothers etc getting thrills seeing us all dressed up in sissy clothes and lingerie. Let the stories have us having sex with them, not just other sissies. Please!
I would NEVER compromise someone's art and creativity and give it away. You work too hard to make it and deserve to be regularly compensated for it by appreciative fans like me.
RE: the picture compilation. Not sure what kind of subscription base you have but whatever the number that buy the FF separately from The Wendyhouse almost certainly would eat up a picture-heavy one. Charge what you have to to make it profitable. Trust your talent. And if you make it mostly pictures you can even make things a little bit more graphic.
Thanks again for all you do for all of us. You continue to give us joy, excitement and fulfilment.
Hugs, Michael
It's thrilling to know that all these girls have shared their photos with us in the Rose Room.
Letter 5 - Wet dreams, masturbation and sex
Hello Susan I was in a deep sleep thinking I was having sex when I had this wet dream. It is years since I had my last one. Probably because I masturbate at least once a week. This is unusual because I will admit to being well over 70.
I have one of the largest collections of boys, ladyboys, shemales, females and lesbians and all of them masturbating. These pics are the result of lectures I gave to Psychology students at the local University.
I read that you would like to get your hands around a hard dick? Mine is available but only under mutual benefit conditions, and I doubt you would agree to a reveal all condition.
To those who have had prostate operations. I had 4 about 15 years ago and YES I still have erections and colorless cum.
Whatever you do, don't stop. It produces a very healthy glow and twinkle in your eyes.
Hello Paula.
It's nice to hear from you, and I've passed your mail on to my nephew to read. He will benefit from what you say.
So you are 70! Excellent, and I agree, darling, you need to be sexually active for as long as you can in your life. This could be by masturbation. In times gone by, adults used to tell boys it would make them go blind. This reflected the need to go easy in the early stages. When a boy discovers how pleasant it is, he can go wild with this new-found trip that costs nothing!!! I guess a good parent would sit the boy down and talk it through, as to how it can be necessary, and how there's nothing wrong with it, and always ending up with talking about safe sex. The only time to stop is if the doctor advises you to for health reasons, which happens sometimes. You are not alone amongst Wendyhouse sissies being that age. We have sissy girls of all ages, I'm glad to say, although I can't off-hand say how old our oldest sweetheart is.
Enjoy your sex, darling, especially in the Wendyhouse.
Love from Aunt Frocks x
This, let me tell you, is Chicle, a beautiful girl with oodles of fashion sense.
Letter 6 - feeling girly in my lingerie
Hi Susan I love to wear bras and panties. I wear women's pants every day. And I love to wear 1950s petticoats as well as a panty girdle. I have not talked to you in awhile .
Hope you are alright
Love Paula
Dear Paula,
Thank you for thinking about me. You'll be glad to know I am alright, and so is Prim.
That's nice to hear about your favourite lingerie. Those 1950s styles were so feminine weren't they? And a panty girdle will make you feel really girly in your precious places. It means you can dress up nicely while you read Prim stories.
Take care darling.
Love from Aunt Frocks x
I was so pleased with Klaudia when she shared her photos with us in the Rose Room. Look how feminine and self-assured she is.
Letter 7 - Do Such Women Exist or Is It All Just Fiction?
Dear Prim,
So many Prim stories have women in charge of men. You like to have a Mother-In-Law calling the shots and some of them are almost inhuman what they do to their daughter's husband - often with the daughter being just as beastly alongside her mother.
I'm asking if there is a reason in your past to explain why your women abuse the innocent men in the stories? Did you have a hard mother, or are you in a tough marriage with a MIL who grinds you down?
Love your stories, don't get me wrong. Keep on doing them this way and you can't go wrong.
Dear Carolyn,
I can understand why you think my mother or mother-in-law might be daunting characters, but in reality, no I don't have any vicious women in my life. I've known a few, but they didn't force feminize any sons of theirs. As far as I know.
No, the reason these women are like they are is because the story needs them. The sissy son-in-law needs them because he wants Mummy to dress him up nicely and laugh at him. It's as simple as that.
Look at my story Married Into Petticoats for example, which runs in five chapters from Prim's Petticoat Pansies #7 to PPP#11. The fun of the story (for sissy readers) is the hopelessness of new husband Simon's position, since all the women, his MIL, his wife, her two teenage daughters and the woman doctor who has made him weak and feminized, are all intent on drinking in the misery he suffers as they tease him re-lent-less-ly. Agony for him, sexual excitement for them, and a mixture of both for sissies who like reading stories of petticoat discipline.
Enjoy the Wendyhouse, Carolyn, and thanks for writing. I love hearing what readers are interested in.
Prim x
Darling, I want you to meet another lovely girl from the Rose Room. This is Ms Cindy Stormm, elegant, cheerful and sooo feminine.
Letter 8 - Dollie and her masks
It has been some time since I had last corresponded with you. I want to thank you for sharing my sissyness with your readers. I have been a busy little girlie creating more realistic female masking and doll photographs. If I may I would like to bring you as well as your readers up to date into the world of Dollie. You may recall this image where Dollie is such a fully feminized little babyish imp.
I had contemplated what sort of Doll would I be if I have never done a Barbie tribute? Therefore I recently had an expose of this Idea with me unmasked as the iconic doll.
Unlike Barbie I live, breathe, laugh and love; besides you have to buy her friends.. I got mine the old fashioned way through bribes and sexual favors tee hee.
This brings us to today. I have grown along with Dollie in as much as my talents to realize my vision as a Mask Maker, creator and Living Doll maker.
This is my masterpiece, I have named Eureka which is Greek for " I have found it'.
Eureka embodies the artistic beauty of a finely painted Mona Lisa with the craftsmanship unseen in any silicone mask ever made. The attention to detail which composes her appearances emulate the living features of a runway model. Her thinly arched eyebrows are actual hair implanted one at a time into the silicone material. Her eye lashes are mink lashes worn by top celebrities and models around the world. Her classic beauty was sculpted to perfection and I have included actual eyelids, tear ducts and hand painted round eyes in a lifelike shape. The attention to detail I committed to her creation is unmatched by any mask maker privately or sold publicly. She is the summarization of my 20 year pursuit to make a silicone mask to be worn in public which is undetectable to it not being the living features of a beautiful woman's face and shaped head.
From here I can repeat her again and again and also have learned techniques to make even greater achievements in creating living Doll's. The Gods and Muse have granted me their gifts and I am humbled to be their hand in bringing it to reality.
In doing so I cannot forget that inside my soul still remains that innocent little girl who I am, natural, unmasked, untouched and enjoying my Tedward.
(I'm feeling mighty PinK today)
[ NOte from your Aunt Frocks: Okay darling, so here we go with Melisa Ann's favourite Aerosmith track of the moment] :
Your creative Crazy American friend
Melisa Ann Moore
I agree, you have been busy judging by your description of how you mould and create your new Dollie mask. It looks world-stunning and you must be thrilled with the result. Some girls just love to be a doll and want to look like Barbie and her sisters.
I've got a Newsletter coming up later this month. I'll try and fit your letter in, it all depends on space. There would be no point including your letter if I didn't have room for your photos too.
I'm sure you'll keep up your good work. Feel feminine, sweetheart.
Love from Aunt Frocks x
Letter 9 - Prim Baby Stories in the Nancy Room
I've been a member for almost a month and I've poked around here and there in the Wendyhouse rooms but now I've settled into the Nancy Nursery Room. It's awesome with all these age-play stories for ABDLs.
Best is the story of Mr Shaw the Senior Girls Baby. I get in a shocking state of baby thrills every time I read it. Love it where the girls have him all tied like in the picture with his legs wide open so they can jerk his cock in front of the Principal his ex-wife, and she's a right bitch getting them to torment him that way. Another good story is He Wants to Show You How He Wets Himself when he can't make it come because he's too stiff in front of so many women.
Is there any way you can do more than one AB story in each of your new Prim's Petticoat Pansies editions? You're so good at understanding what Littles like, you should be doing them all the time.
Keep up your stories and pictures.
Baby Frilly
Dear Baby Frilly,
You are so kind with what you say about the Nancy Room stories. Yes, they are directed towards making Little Ones like you feel very cute and little-girlie.
The thing about the Nancy Room is that all the stories are spread through lots of different issues of Prim's Petticoat Pansies - 36 of them - but it's a bit of a fag for Littles who are feeling rosy after reading a Prim baby story to go looking for the next one, so I've gathered them all together in one place, kind of in a nursery space for you to feel babyish for Aunt Frocks.
I'm pleased you wrote to me because you've pointed out which stories and which details turned you on, and that really helps. Well done Baby Frilly.
Feel very pretty in your diaper and plastic panties, sweetie.
Here is another set of gorgeous girls who joined us in the Rose Room in November.
Letter 10 - Where Can I Get Schoolgirl Uniforms?
Hello Aunt Frocks.
I just saw your newsletter and I am wondering where can I purchase an adult size girls school uniform in Great Britain?
I am especially looking for :
1: A burgundy school blazer;
2: A pleated tartan skirt and:
3: A burgundy school cardigan.
Thank you for reading this email and I hope to get back to you soon.
Hello Clarissa. How nice to hear from you.
Although I don't know any outlets myself, here is a Flickr link to a couple of groups on Flickr for adult schoolgirls like yourself. I suggest you look through the members of the group to find someone who likes to dress in uniform: school dress or school blouse with gymslip or skirt. You could Flickr mail them, or look through their faves to find other girls similar and mail them. I'm sure someone will be glad to help, because cd/tg schoolgirls are nice, and not hard like some of those teasing girls at school these days.
You'll need to sign into your Flickr account to follow these two links:
I hope that helps you to shop for a nice uniform and to feel more feminine my sweetheart.
Aunt Frocks x
You may be thinking we've seen so many dishy girls there can't be any more. But you're wrong: here's Denise.
Aren't they wonderful, these girls who contribute to the Rose Room and the Lacy Lingerie Room. There are more who gave permission for us to include their photos at the Wendyhouse, but there's only so much space in a Newsletter. Their time will come in my next one, sometime in the New Year. If you would like your photos to be in the Rose Room, the Lacy Lingerie Room or one of my Newsletters, you can get in touch with me at -- auntfrocks@mail.com
By the way, did I tell you that Prim's Flickr account got deleted? (Silkblousey) Well that's all in the past, because things have started up again and Prim is Monika Satin on Flickr. Go here for her photostream:
and here for her Flickr group, in tribute to those flint-hearted matrons who love to torment and humiliate sissy-girl husbands. Hey, maybe you'd like to add some photos on that forced feminization theme? You need to sign in to follow this link.
Let me hug you close in my blouse, sweetheart while I open three of Prim's nice stories for you. You can see yourself into them and feel girly and helpless while I clutch you safely to my heart. Story 1:
Ah me! Some sissies have to be mocked and humiliated, darling. It'll do them good in the long run. Story 2 is from the Helpless Adventures of Johnny:
Would you like me to put you into my lingerie drawer after we've finished reading, darling? I'd love to cover you in my soft, lacy panties. Hundreds of them. As you may know, if you want to read all 40 chapters of the Johnny story, they are all in the Tiffany Room in the Wendyhouse. Here's my third story:
Did you like that? I hope so. Prim and I wish you a warm, loving Christmas. If it's not as fabulous as usual, can we offer you our love and best wishes to help you be patient until the Christmas after this one, when hopefully we'll all be able to hug and kiss one another and we'll all feel completely safe.
I hope you liked reading the letters girls have sent to me and Prim. I'm sure you will have loved looking at the photos they've sent us too.
Just one last photo: a study in sexy wine-tasting with the gorgeous Lucy Lovelace in her little black dress.
Let me give you a big Christmasy kiss, my little angel, and thank you so much for joining me in my Newsletter 33. I'll write to you again before too long.
Kissy - kiss from Aunt Frocks xxx